💜The Fan That I Kissed On the Cheek💜

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Today was my first fan meet ever.
I was excited and nervous.
I knew what to expect, but I didn't know what to expect.
J-Hope and Jungkook told me the whole week that it's fun and cute.
That calmed me down a bit, but I was still nervous.
What if someone doesn't like me?
What if someone hits me?
What if someone faints because of me or cries?
So much going through my mind.
We had arrived at the center where our fan meeting was going to be.
The table was all ready for us and fans were chatting amongst each other waiting.
"Ok let's go everyone," Namjoon said.
We entered onto the stage and the fans clapped and some cheered.
We sat down in this order:
Namjoon, Jimin, Gi Gi, Jungkook, Jin, J-Hope, Tae then Yoongi.
"Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming and thank you for supporting us," Namjoon said.
"Before we get started," Namjoon stated.
Some of us groaned.
Suddenly feeling antsy to start, I spoke.
"Yah! Namjoon, can we just start?" I said.
He looked at me and the fans started to agree.
He turned the mic off and we began.
The first fan that came up was a girl.
She look to be at least 11 or 12.
She was very pretty and sounded kind.
While we were waiting for the girl and Namjoon to finish up, Jimin and I started matching our hand sizes.
My hand was the same length as Jimin's.
I was surprised because I was a little smaller than Jimin but my hands were the same size as his.
The girl scooted over and Jimin and the girl greeted each other.
"Gi Gi, how do you feel?" Jungkook asked.
I shrugged.
"I feel excited, but I also feel weird," I said.
I looked back over to the girl and Jimin.
They intertwined their hands and said goodbye.
"Omg! Hi, Gi Gi!" The girl said.
"Hi, omg you look so pretty," I said taking her book to sign it.
Her cheeks turned rosy red.
"Thank you. Jimin told me that you are smaller than him. He no longer feels small anymore," The girl said.
I signaled the girl to come in closer so I could whisper to her.
"Yeah, well Jimin doesn't know that tall runs in my family. So when I'm at least 20 I'll probably be taller than him," I whispered to her then chuckled.
She giggled.
Saying our goodbyes, we intertwined our hands and waved.
The next fan was a boy.
He looked to be my age and he was very handsome.
"Oh wow, I'm sitting in front of Gi Gi," The boy said the blushed.
"Yes, you are. And I'm sitting in front of a nice looking young man," I said.
He blushed even harder then laid his head down on the table.
"No, look at me," I said playing with his hair.
"I can't look at you! You're so pretty!" The boy replied.
"Aw, what's your name?" I asked.
"Jo Jo. I was born in the USA," The boy said.
My eyes widened.
"So you have, Asian origins?" I said.
He nodded.
"Do you want me to sign something?" I asked of curiosity because he hadn't brought anything to sign.
"Can you sign my cheek?" He said tapping his cheek with his finger.
I nodded.
Out of nowhere, I decided to finish that signature with a kiss on the cheek.
He gasped and fans screamed.
"Thank you!" He said kissing my hands.
I blushed then giggled from being very flustered.
"Guys, Gi Gi, is getting the guys," Yoongi said into the mic.
"How could you say that about my baby?" Jin said.
I laughed.
After about 5 hours of signing, we were done.
The last fan V had, had bought him a Gucci watch!
He does love Gucci.
But those things are over $2,000.
It was nice.
This was my successful first fan meet.
I was proud and happy.

Ok I know this chapter is short and crappy, but I've had this idea on my mind since the last chapter.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you for reading!

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