Chapter 38: Saved

Start from the beginning

"Colby here has been doing what you should be doing! He's been taking care of her on the road! He's the one taking her to the appointments, along with Sarah! He's the one helping her decide what to do with the baby stuff! He's practically raising your kid! My niece or nephew!" she continued.

Jon's face began to show guilt and hurt all over it.

"I swear to God, Jonathan David Good. If you don't step up and help out your wife with the pregnancy, even after the birth, I will beat your ass up way worse than these two. I may be a female, but I'm not weak. And that's not a threat. That's a fucking promise." she told him. It wasn't long before she slapped him across the face.

Jon held his stinging cheek, glaring at the magenta-haired female in front of him. He knew she had opened his eyes. She hit him with every ounce of the truth. He knew what he did was wrong, but he was scared. Having had a rough childhood and not knowing what it was like to have a father figure in his life, he was afraid he wouldn't be a good father himself.

It was at that moment Jon realized that he wanted to make amends. He wanted to reconnect with Vivian. He wanted to be there in his child's life. He realized that just because his own dad wasn't there for him, didn't mean he would do the same thing. Jon had everything he never thought he would have. Marriage, commitment, hope, and unconditional love for his wife. Now, it was going to be not only for her, but for the baby as well.

"Okay. I'll step up and try to be a good father. Thanks for opening my eyes." he told her. He stuck his hand out. Mercedes' eyes softened and she shook it before pulling him in a hug. She knew she couldn't stay mad at him. He was her family now. After that pulled away, they turned to look at the other two men.

"Let's go find Vivian." he said.

All four of them walked around, trying to find the other twin. They couldn't find her anywhere. After a while, they ended up at the curtain, where Ashley and Pam were. They were looking for Vivian as well.

"Where could she have gone?" Pam asked.

It was then Samoa Joe's theme played and he walked out from side ramp, carrying some type of body bag. He walked down the ramp and slid the body bag in the ring. It seemed as if somebody was in there, since it was thrashing. Samoa Joe grabbed a microphone and looked at the camera with a smirk on his face.

"Dean Ambrose, I couldn't help but overhear you talking with your Shield buddies. It's too bad you weren't man enough to talk to your own wife. Well, now, you're gonna suffer the consequences. Because, I've got a special surprise for you, your buddies, and those lousy friends and sister of hers." he said.

He opened up the body bag and the crowd screamed in shock as Vivian came out of it. She was in normal clothing. Her hands were tied behind her back and she had duct tape covering her mouth. She had puffy, red eyes from crying and looked pale. She even had a black bruise on her lip and eye. Her baby bump showed through her somewhat torn shirt.

Jon's hands clenched in anger as Joe and Colby seethed with rage. Ashley, Mercedes, and Pam were crying their eyes out.

"See, Dean? You're nothing but a failure. You're a failure as a husband and a father. You couldn't even be there for your pregnant wife because you're nothing but a scared good for nothing guy." he continued. He then knelt down towards the fallen, crying girl. "Tanya, sweetie. I made you a promise that Daddy was going to come and save you. Well, turns out I was wrong. It looks like he isn't. But, now, you and your baby can start calling me Daddy." he finished before laughing.

"Come on! That's way too far!" JBL said. "This has become extremely personal! Where the hell is Dean Ambrose when you need him? Your wife needs you!" Jerry said.

"Play the fucking music!" Jon yelled at the tech team, finally letting his rage get to him.

His theme played and the crowd began cheering. "Oh, my God! I think Dean has seen a heard enough!" Michael exclaimed. Samoa Joe looked at the ramp in shock as the Queen, Legit Boss, Hugger, and all three members of The Shield ran down the ramp.

The Hounds of Justice all slid in the ring, attacking Samoa Joe. Jon grabbed him and began beating the living shit out of him. Joe (Roman) hit him with a brutal Spear before Colby hit the Curbstomp.

Pam grabbed him and hit the Bayley-To-Belly.

Ashley hit a Spear.

Mercedes locked him into the Bank Statement. He screamed in pain as her grip tightened. "Want to hurt my sister?! You son of a bitch! You're a monster!" she yelled before letting him go.

Jon slid out of the ring and reached underneath. He grabbed kendo sticks and a steel chair. He slid them in the ring and waited for Samoa Joe to get up. With nothing but anger and rage boiling inside him, Jon slammed the chair onto Samoa Joe's back. He breathed heavily with a dark look on his eyes.

He continued slamming the steel chair into his back until the it was all dented. Samoa Joe's back was already littered with fresh cuts. Jon got his leg and put in in between the chair. "This looks bad for Samoa Joe!" Michael said. The Lunatic Fringe screamed before he stomped on the chair, a sickening crack echoing out the arena.

Samoa Joe screamed in pain, clutching his now broken leg. Jon tossed the chair out of the ring. He got the kendo sticks and began beating the fallen man. After countless strikes, he stopped. Samoa Joe slid out of the ring. The crowd was cheering and chanting 'You deserve it!'.

Jon got out and brutally Clotheslined Samoa Joe. He grabbed him and sent him into the steel steps. He did it again before ramming him into the barricade. He took the steel steps apart and smashed them against Samoa Joe's shoulder. "Don't you ever come near my wife and unborn child ever again, you sick bastard! If you look at her or anything, I'll end your fucking career! You hear me?!" he yelled.

Jon looked and saw the girls and guys helping Vivian up. Her mouth was free of the tape and her hands were cut free. Jon went over to her and hugged her. He couldn't help the tears that formed in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Vivian. I was such an idiot. I failed to protect you. I'm so sorry, Babe." he told her.

"It's okay, Jon. I forgive you." she told him, hugging him back. "Is the baby okay?" he asked her. "I don't know. My stomach hurts." she replied. He and the guys helped roll her out of the ring. He picked her up and carried her bridal style. The girls followed behind them, wiping their tears as the crowd began chanting his ring name.

Vivian lay her head on her husband's shoulder as he kissed it. Once they gt backstage, they were met with CJ, Rusev, Sami, Fallen Angel, Amberlee, Tenille, Alicia, Paige, Kevin, Chris, Finn, Stephanie, Hunter, Vince, and basically the entire Raw roster. They all had concerned looks on their faces and the women were sobbing like no tomorrow.

There was an ambulance ready to go and a stretcher set up.

"I want Samoa Joe found right now! I want his ass in jail now!" Vince yelled. Stephanie and Hunter were fighting tears. "Oh, Sweetie. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" she asked Vivian. Vivian shrugged in pain as Jon put her on the stretcher. "Hang in there, Darling. I'm not leaving you." he told her as she was wheeled into the ambulance.

"Banks, go with them. Rollins, Reigns, Bayley, Flair, go and take the limo. I'll have your stuff taken to the hotel." Stephanie told them. Mercedes followed Jon and Vivian in the back of the ambulance as the doors closed. The ambulance's sirens rang as it drove off.

Vivian's close friends went inside the limo and followed soon after.

In the ambulance, Jon held his sleeping wife's hand as he cried on her chest. "Please be okay, Vivian. Please let our baby be okay." he sobbed. Mercedes cried with him, clutching her sister's other hand as they were on their way to the hospital.

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