Territorial or Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"You don't like him." Bill smirked, standing up and taking the small male to the kitchen, putting the brunet down on the counter.

"As I said, I don't know what you're talking about, hun." Dipper gave a smile that reeked of flirt.

"Oh? Then you wouldn't mind me going to go see them." Bill said, taking two Pit Colas from the fridge and handing one to the small.

"You most definitely will not do that or you can sleep on the damn couch." The male twin frowned, jumping from the counter to stand in front of the demon, a glare taking place.

"Fine, fine, alright little boss." Bill laughed, slipping his hand into the brunets.

"Stay away from that dude...please." Dipper whispered as he took a sip from his Pit Cola.

"Okay, why don't you say we go on a walk, get away for a little bit?" The demon questioned, tugging the boy along with him to the front door.

"Yes, please." Dipper groaned, following the demon out the door.

Once outside, the brunet felt eyes on him and turned to look up at one of the windows.

There stood Finn, watching them go.

Dipper smirked at the ginger, both of them making eye contact, the brunet wrapped both arms around the taller males arm, nuzzling closer to said demon.

Bill rose a brow but brushed it off as they walked into the forest area.

Twenty minutes of walking got them to the top of the hill, where the railroad tracks could be seen, Dipper remembered fighting Gideon around there, making him wonder why he hadn't seen the midget around.

"Would you like to sit here?" Bill asked, making a picnic basket appear in his free hand, the brunet looked up at the black haired male.

He nodded after a few seconds of thinking about.

The demon nodded in understanding, a quick snap of his fingers made a red and white checkered blanket fall to the ground, making it all too cliche for Dipper.

The two sat down on the blanket, Bill placing down the basket and opened it up to see a couple sandwiches in it.

"What kind?" Dipper questioned, taking one and looking at it with a raised brow.

"It's just an egg sandwich." Bill smiled, patting his lap for the small.

Dipper got the idea and crawled over to sit on Bills lap, getting comfortable and making sure Bill wasn't uncomfortable.

When both males were equally comfortable they started to eat their lunch, it being around one in the afternoon by now.

They both didn't speak a word, Bill had found out that Dipper didn't like talking when having a meal, not a word at all would escape either of their mouths.

When Dipper was done that is when Bill decided to utter a word.

"How was your lunch?" The demon asked, he had finished before Dipper, that left him to sit in peace and watch the cloud filled sky to wait for the brunet to finish his lunch.

After all Dipper didn't like to be stared at or even glanced at when eating his food, saying something along the lines of feeling self conscious that made him lose his appetite.

"It was good thanks." Dipper yawned, relaxing against the taller male.

Bill snapped his fingers and they were suddenly close to the forest line that was close to the shack, Bill now holding the small brunet in a bridal style way.

"I guess it's nap time." Bill chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired, we should have went to sleep last night." Dipper mumbled, snuggling close to the demon for warmth.

"Well, we can go to sleep now." The black haired man smiles, leaning his head down to give a small kiss to the Big Dipper on the boys head.

"Alright let's get you tucked in, sweet cheeks." Bill chuckles, walking up to the front door and walking in with Dipper in his arms.

"Will you lay with me?" The brunet asked just before a yawn escaped him yet again.

"Of course, darling." The black haired male whispers, walking up the stairs, having little to no trouble handling Dipper.

As the small male rested in Bills arms he started to doze off.

Meanwhile Bill kept walking on, heading for their shared room.

When Bill was about to walk passed the hallway leading to the female twins room he stopped to look.

Only to see Finn standing there, staring at him with a flushed face.

But when the boy looked to see the small male in his arms his face flushed more with what looked like a pout on his face, he left to enter Mabel's room.

"What a weirdo..." Bill mumbled, continuing to walk to his and Dippers room.

This was a bit rushed, I'm sorry -_-

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