Chapter 1

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Sam's POV

This morning, I woke up to the unpleasant beeping that comes from my phone alarm clock. Lazily, I hit snooze and tried to get more sleep, but then I jumped up in bed. Today I am finishing the complete move to Australia. The last thing I need to ship there is myself.

I had previously visited the city and purchased a home after selling my family vacation cabin, my parents old home, and my sister and mom's cars. My dad's car was destroyed in the accident.

I know it's wrong to just up and leave like this. My parents have their friends to look after them and my sister. They'll be okay. Right now, all I'm worried about is escaping this awful place I'm living in.

After the accident, I bought an apartment just outside downtown New York City. I resumed school but wasn't exactly sure how to re-enroll myself for next year. Luckily, it's late summer and I contacted a local school in Sydney and they gladly excepted me.

I'm not a little kid, I can take care of myself. A lot of people were hesitant at first when I told them I'd be living alone and caring for myself. I'm turning 17 later this year. I'm nearly an adult.

After scrolling on my phone for awhile, I stand up from the floor ans walk over to my bag near the bathroom. The only things left in my apartment right now is my pillow, a blanket, and my bag. I shipped everything else to Australia already.

Since the flight is ridiculously long, I figure most of the people will be dressed lazily, so that's exactly how I dress. Sweatpants, t-shirt, slippers, and a bun with minimal makeup.

My flight is leaving in an hour an a half. I call for an uber on my phone and start gathering my things. By the time I get the notification that my uber is here. Slowly and hesitantly I exit my apartment. At this point, my nerves are getting to me.

I walk down the stairs for the last time. I had debated taking the elevator, but it always got stuck and I didn't want to take that chance. As I walked through the lobby for the last time, I waved goodbye to the old doorman, Frank. He flashed my a sweet smile and waved back. It made me feel a little bit better.

When I got outside, my uber was waiting for me. The driver helped my with my bag and getting it into the backseat. We drove mostly in silence to the airport. Only a bit of small talk here and there. He seemed occupied anyways.

He dropped me off and I paid, then it was just my bag and I for the rest of the trip. The farther I got into the airport, the more nervous I got. Going through security took awhile, and then I finally reached my gate.

The worker had us separated into groups. I sat with mine. There wasn't many people on this flight. In my group, there was just an older couple, probably around their late 50's, and then a curly-haired dirty blonde boy about my age. I sat next to him and put my bag on the floor.

As we waited, I would notice the boy would take a glance at me everyone once in awhile after he would finish scanning everyone else. The one time I catch his eye, our group is called to board the plane. I let out a sigh of relief and dart up. Once I hand the lady at the mini desk my ticket, the allows me through to board the plane. I find my seat fairly easily with the help of the flight attendants.

I put my bag in the compartment above the seats, then sit down and cover myself up. Luckily I chose a window seat. I leaned my pillow against it and rested my head on that. My eyes begin to fall shut and just then, someone sits down beside me. None other than mysterious blonde boy.

"Hello again," He mumbles in a thick Australian accent. I'm a bit taken aback by it, but then I realize that I should've expected that.

"Hi," I say timidly. We have this long moment of awkward eye-contact. Then, the pilot begins to speak over the intercom. The boy and I both look towards the front of the plane for some reason.

After everyone's buckled, we've taken off, and the plane reaches a constant speed and height, the boy turns back to me.

"I think we'd better talk. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep much. Flying on planes makes me slightly nervous." He admits, biting his lips. I think he realizes my plan was to sleep the whole damn flight. "Or I'll just... occupy myself some other way."

"No, no. I'll talk for awhile. Um, I'm Sam." I introduce myself. The expression on his face changes and he brightens.

"I'm Ashton." He gives me a very wide smile and then looks around at everyone else. "So, why are you headed to Australia, Sam?"

I gulp. I'm not going to share my life story with this stranger. We make eye contact again for a second. "Well, since I'm nearly 17 I decided it was time to leave New York permanently. I've have many bad experiences and I'm just done with it all. A fresh start seemed like the only option I really had left." I shrugged. He nodded along, listening intently to my explanation.

"Interesting. Sounds very complicated. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you that made you want to leave." He paused for a moment and then messed with his hands in his lap. "I came here for the same reasons, except it was only for a week. I'd always wanted to go to New York City and a lot of fucked up things were happening at home, so I bought a plane ticket and told my mom, then left. It was an amazig experience."

"That's good." I commented, and then decided to ask a question. "Where do you go to school?" I ask. I know I enrolled in Northwest Chirstian College.

"I'm doing home schooling for my last year because I'm in a band and that takes up a lot of time. Sometimes we have to be somewhere during school hours and I have to be at the gig if I want to be successful. Mum let me home school." He explains.

"Oh, nice." Then, I add. "I'm going to Northwest Christian College. Doubt you've heard of it." I say with a shrug.

"Oh I have! My bandmates all go there. Small world.." He states. I'm feeling a bit better about having to go to school.

Our conversation carries on for a little while longer, and then I let Ashton fall asleep on my shoulder. He seemed to relax now that he didn't necessarily feel like he was alone on a plane. I wonder what he did on the way to New York.

* * *

We land many many hours later. Ashton and I exchange numbers and part ways. The second I get off the plane, I switch to my Australian phone. I call for yet another uber while I wait in baggage claim. Eventually, I get my bag and walk outside. I spot my uber. Thank God, I think. I just want to go home already.

This uber driver is much more talkitive, but I'm not exactly in the mood. He talks while I sit and listen. While he talks I try to make note of some of the slang and words he uses in place of words I know.

It doesn't take long to reach my house, luckily. The last time I flew here, I came and moved everything in. The house is all ready for me, I just had to wait out my 6-month apartment lease.

He drops me off and helps me with my bag. I pay him in Australian currency. It's going to take a lot to get used to all these new things. I walk up to my front door and unlock it with the key.

My house is not big or small. It's a two-bedroom in case I have many visitors, and also has a basement. I like it. It doesn't take long for me to settle in.

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