I slowly nodded, after gulping, and managed to say back: "Well, if that's what you want to do..."

"It is," he sighed and took a seat down on the couch. I followed and sat next to him, somewhat facing him. "Maybe I don't want to tell her, after all, but... I may wait."

"How long?"

He shrugged and replied, "Maybe another week. That'll give her some time to come back and take a breather before I pounce on her." I nodded, looking away, until I heard him ask: "Do you think it's a good idea?"

I didn't know what exactly to tell Trevor, rather to tell him to follow his heart or to tell him to get the hell out of dodge while he's got the chance. I don't know when exactly Trevor started to love Bianca, other than when he told me he did, but what clicked for him for that to happen? Without her, all the strings inside of him are... Broken.

I locked eyes with Trevor and simply said, "I don't honestly know, Trev. I want you to take some time, yourself, to think this over again, though. I want you to—"

"But I've already thought about it," he suddenly exclaimed, cutting me off completely, and hopping up to his feet. If he had hair, he probably would've yanked it out right now. "I have thought about it so many times already. I mean... I do love her, even after what she did to both myself and you. I want to forgive her already. I do, but..."

"What's stopping you?" I asked, now standing up with him. "I mean, just forgive her already, if you want to."

"Have you?"

"Have I...?"

"Forgiven her," he finished and our eyes met somewhere in the middle. "Have you?"

I took another deep breath and responded, "Yes, I have. I have also decided to forgive Pete as well. But, the reason why I'm not all buddy-buddy with Bianca again is because I can't forget. Maybe, one day, she and I can be friends again. It just can't be now..."

With that said, Trevor shook his head before sitting back down on the couch. He placed his eyes in his hands that were being elbowed into his knees. He was sad and angry, which is not a good combination right there. I knew this feeling. Hell, I knew all too well. I was once there... And I never want to go back, either.

"Look, Trev," I finally said to him with a sigh after placing my hand on his shoulder. "What you need to do is think about your future. You need to sit there with your eyes closed and think really hard about your life, and how you see it being like in five years. Try this with me, okay?"

He slowly looked up at me and nodded. "Okay, Nik. Let's try it."

"Okay," I simply said back before taking a seat on the floor in front of him with him sitting on the couch. "Close your eyes and relax. This is a safe place. When you're relaxed and ready, tell me."

He took a moment to take a deep breath, shake out his bones, and somewhat lay back. With his eyes closed, he shook his head and said: "Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this."

"Okay," I breathed out. "Trevor, where do you see your life in five years?"

"I-I don't know..."

"No, Trev. Don't think about it. Just tell the first thing that comes to your mind when I ask these questions, okay?" I countered and shook my head with a deep breath. "Now, Trev, where do you see your life in five years? No, wait... Let's do this instead: It is five years from now and you are only a few years older. What do you see?"

"Um," he muttered out, obviously fearing that each answer is going to be wrong. "I see... a wrestling ring."

Obviously, I thought to myself before I said aloud: "Okay, and what else? Is anyone there? What are they doing?"

"Um, I see...," he paused, once again. "I see Johnny and Candice. I don't know why, but they're there. They're just hanging out by the ring. The arena is empty and really dark, all except for the ring, of course."

"Okay, and what are they doing? What are you doing?"

"They're just talking and laughing," he grinned at the thought. "Just like they always do together."

"Okay, and what else?"

"I'm walking towards the ring..."

"How do you feel? Do you feel anything?"

"Um, I have no emotion, I don't think," he replied and gritted his teeth there for a moment. "I'm just walking towards the ring and... Hey, you're there."

I smiled at that and questioned, "And what am I doing there, Trev?"

"You're with Tommaso," he continued and his mouth nearly dropped after he said that. "Y-You're pregnant here. You're pregnant."

I couldn't believe it, but this wasn't supposed to be about me, though. "What else is going on?"

"What the hell?" he breathed out, pulling his eyebrows in together over his vision. "Everybody is gone now. Where did y'all go?"

"What's happening now, Trev?"

"The lights went out for a second and, then, Bianca is now in the center of the ring... Why, though?" He was as confused as me. Damn. "She's just standing there, like she's waiting on me and I'm just walking towards her. That's it."

He opened his eyes and I squeaked out, "What?"

"That's all that I saw," he sighed and, suddenly, stood up. "I-I have to go now, Nik. Thanks for this. I know what I have to do now."

"Trevor, wait—!"

However, before I could stop him, he had already flown out of the door and left me in the dust. I didn't know what any of that meant.

Does he honestly believe that Bianca is waiting on him to come and tell her how he feels?

• This chapter SUCKED. I already kw that 🙄 It's only because I have two more chaps to go... Until this book is OFFICIALLY OVER AND COMPLETED 😭 How should the next chap go? And how should this book end? Let me kw in the comments below!! 💕 All the love .xx •

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