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All of the new students arrived between 5pm and 3am.  So they couldn't really see the building.  It was currently 4am and all were finally getting to their dorms. 

Mitch sighed deeply and hoisted his luggage into the elevator.  He rubbed his hands together and looked around the small space.  He was going to be on the 5th floor.  The elevator stopped on that floor. 

He let out a shaky breath and exited, looking at the paper again to confirm his room number for the millionth time. 

His dorm was on the far side of the left hallway, room 530.  He dug the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.  The room was cold, particularly cold.  Mitch stepped into the room to see another suitcase.  He could see a few items of clothes and a leopard pattern SnapBack.

Great... he has to live with someone he doesn't even know.  Mitch stayed silent and set his heavy luggage down.  The front door slowly closed, but given how heavy it was, it sounded like a slam.

Mitch flinched, not noticing that someone had came out of the first bedroom.  When Mitch turned back, he saw him. 

"Hi!  I'm Scott!  And you are?"  Scott held out his hand for Mitch to shake.  Mitch slowly shook Scott's hand and pulled it away quickly before Scott even thought to.

"Mitch."  Mitch quietly replied.  Scott smiles and nodded.  "Mitch; a gift from God."  Scott stated.  "I'm Scott; Gaelic Speaker.  I'm not sure what it means, but I do like to speak.  If that makes sense."  Scott laughed. 

Mitch smiled shyly.  A talker and a not so good talker.  Mitch didn't think twice about Scott's odd ability, he just thought he was smart.  "So, would you like me to help you unpack?"  Scott asked smiling.  Mitch looked up at Scott and nodded. 


Kirstie entered her dorm, excited to see who her room mate is.  A brown haired girl with glasses popped her head out from one of the bedrooms. 

"Hi!  You must be Kirstie."  The happy brunette smiled and exited the bedroom. 

"Yeah!  I never caught your name?"  Kirstie set her luggage down. 

"Oh, I'm Esther Kaplan."  The brunette smiled and opened her arms.  Kirstie smiled and hugged Esther.

"Can I ask you something?"  Esther asked later in the night.  They decided to order in pizza.  Kirstin nodded.

"Why were you sent here?  Everyone at Imaginative Minds has to have something special about them... like an ability."  Esther questioned.

Kirstie's eyes went wide.  She had never told anyone.  "W-what's yours?"  Kirstin asked abruptly.

Esther smiled.  "You're nervous to tell me your secret.  You're nervous because you've never told anyone, not even your mom.  Well Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, you can trust me."  Esther nodded.

"C-can you just show me your ability."  Kirstie closed her eyes.  When she opened them again, Esther's smile fell a bit. 

"I just did." 

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