"Well. I-I... I" I stuttered, the words getting stuck in my throat.

"It's my fault" Jackson pipes up, squeezing my hand in his, telling me to let him take over.

"Explain" JYP frowned, staring at him.

"Jinyoung's pregnant. With our child" Jackson replied, raising his chin in a slight show of defiance.

"Wait. What? How long has it been?" JYP asked, his expression shocked.

"According to the doctor, our little peanut is 2 months old" Jackson smiled, his gaze so soft as he turned to look at me.

JYP sighed, leaning back against his chair while closing his eyes.

We both were quiet, my heart still thumping wildly, afraid of how JYP was going to react.

Jackson wrapped an arm around my waist, leaving his palm over my stomach. I hugged his arm together around me as he kept his gaze forward, his jaw clenched slightly while we waited.

"I would like to congratulate you both but I can't. Jackson. You promised me when you asked me for permission" JYP sighs, finally speaking up.

"I know. But this is a miracle. I will keep my promise and take over" Jackson replied.

"Jinyoung. Why don't you head backs first?" JYP asked, glancing at me briefly before staring back at Jackson.

"I'll be okay. Head back and rest first. Please" Jackson whispered, untangling himself to stroke my cheek briefly.

I stood up reluctantly, my gaze locked with Jackson's. He gave me a small nod, his eyes showing me how determined he was.

I took a deep breath, turning around to look at Jackson again before I left the room to see his determined gaze still on me. I'm so afraid for us. All three of us.

I headed to our recording studio, not wanting to leave without Jackson. I dropped him a text before spinning my phone in my hands, trying my best to wait patiently.


It was getting late and Jackson was still nowhere to be seen. I had scribbled down some random lines, working on a song while waiting.

I frowned, spinning my phone in my hands before checking it again to see if Jackson had read my message.

I released a huge sigh, leaning my head on the desk, seeing the unread 1 next to my message. I hope he's okay.


I stirred, feeling a warm hand pressing gently against my chest while my body swayed to the left.

"Hmm?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I took in my surroundings, feeling so confused. I guess I fell asleep while waiting for Jackson.

Jackson had somehow lifted me into the car and was driving us back to our dorm.

"I didn't have the heart to wake you just now" he said, shooting me a glance before turning back to face the road.

I straightened the seat before reaching across the gear stick, wanting to stroke his head. Jackson breathed out a soft sigh as my fingers brushed against the side of his head.

I was worried but I didn't want to distract him as he drove, leaving the questions till later while Jackson to mulled over his thoughts.

He kept quiet the entire ride back, only reaching his hand across to stroke my thigh. He left his hand there, his little strokes and warmth somehow comforting me instead.

I waited till Jackson put the car in park before turning to face him again.

"How did it go?" I whispered, needing to know and yet afraid to hear his answer.

"It went well. JYP PD-nim agreed to our suggestion about relieving you bit by bit" he smiled, turning to face me.

"And?" I asked, knowing that Jackson had probably left something out. It can't be that simple...

"And. Well. Ihavetotakeoverwhenthathappens" Jackson mumbled, stringing his words together.

"What do you mean take over?" I asked, frowning.

"Cover your arranged schedules" he shrugged, looking hesitantly into my eyes, nervous about how I would react.

"But..." I sputtered. He was busy enough with his schedules and he has to take over mine?

"I'll be okay. He doesn't want me to overwork myself either... and I promised him that our work wouldn't be affected by us getting married" he said, giving me a small smile before adding "I have to do this".

"I don't want you to overwork yourself again... especially if it's because of me" I sigh, twisting my fingers together.

"Everything I do is all for you love" Jackson rebutted, rubbing my cheeks before laying his hands on top of mine.


"No buts. I have to do this. I can and I will" he smiled.

I slowly got out of the car, still distracted by my thoughts. Jackson came around from the driver's seat, closing the door behind me while wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Don't overthink this. I'll handle it day by day" he whispered, pressing me flush against his side.

A/N: Filler chapter. I know. I know. This is reallyyyyyyy late. I'm sorry. Been watching Got7. And ugh. I hate YouTube. How dare you remove the views?!

Anyway. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting. 💚❤️ I'll try to stick to schedule this week (if they don't blast me with other videos)

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