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It felt like we left with so much more stuff, our parents packing excessive amounts of food for us and buying clothes for Jade.

"She can't even wear them yet Mom..." I trail off, holding up a tiny dress.

"She'll grow into them" she replied, waving me off. I picked up a pair of tiny shoes and stared at them, feeling so lost. Would she really?

"They grow up fast dear" she smiled, stroking my head.

"I don't want her to" I mutter, staring at the whole bunch of clothes that our parents went on a spree and bought.

Jinyoung entered the room then, carrying a bunch of shopping bags. I quickly grabbed them off him, stopping halfway, stunned when I saw more clothes in the bags.

"My mom went crazy. She said that there was a sale outside" he winced, looking at the amount of clothes that were already piled high in our suitcase.

"I... I'll remember to thank her" I nodded, blinking at the mess. Jinyoung laughed at my reaction, wrapping an arm around me as he leaned at my side.

"我就讓你們相親相愛... 先出去了" my mom smiles cheekily before leaving the room.

"My mom just wants to leave us two lovebirds alone... I think she just got stunned by the amount of packing" I snorted, explaining to Jinyoung as he looked up at me curiously.

"Let's pack" Jinyoung laughs, tugging me toward the mess. I sighed, sitting between his legs on the floor as he sat on the bed.

We started sorting through the mess, folding the clothes while I arranged them in the luggage.

I leaned my head against his knee when we were done, closing my eyes and loving the feeling of his hand running through my hair.

"Today was supposed to be your off day" he sighed, continuing to comb his fingers through my hair.

"Mmm. It is. I'm spending the day with you two" I hummed, leaning into his touch, my body relaxing against his knees.

"Our dads are playing with Jade though" he giggled, messing my hair halfway.

My eyes snapped open as I turned to face him, standing up so I hovered above him. I cupped his jaw, tilting his head sideways to get better access to his lips.

I leaned forward to press a kiss against his lips, my tongue flickering out to taste his bottom lip. I sucked his lip into my mouth, earning a soft moan from him.

"My favourite taste" I murmured, resting my forehead against his. I soaked his warmth in, my eyes still shut, the after effects of our kiss still sizzling in my brain.

Jinyoung giggled in response, pressing his hand lightly against my chest.

"My favourite sound too? Must be my lucky off day" I teased, holding his hand tighter to my chest.


We sent my parents off to the airport, giving them big hugs and promising that we would go to Hong Kong to visit them.

It sucked that we couldn't send them off to the gate, Jinyoung and I staying in the car to hide with Jade.

Jinyoung's parents dropped us off at our dorm next, the other members already waiting in the car park for us.

They helped to grab our bags, waving at our parents until they left.

"It's been kind of weird without you two around" Yugyeom commented, leaning against me.

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