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I knew that I have been acting so oddly these days, I guess I miss Jackson a bit too much, feeling so cold and empty without him by my side.

I was more than okay with Jackson around and I knew he was still worried from the last time he had his solo schedule.

We were both sitting cross legged on my bed facing each other, my eyes downcast as I played with our fingers.


"Hmm?" I replied, glancing up at him.

"I can postpone my schedule to another week" he starts, staring into my eyes.

"I'll be fine. There's no need" I replied, looking back down at our fingers again.

"I can do it. Let me know. Please. I don't want to come back to you crying again" Jackson frowned, cupping my face in his hands. He tilted my face up to face him, his eyes showing me how worried he really is.

"No no. Don't. I don't want you to skip any schedules" I replied, shaking my head. I held the front of his pullover, needing to hold on to something.

"What if you end up being away for longer?" I mumble under my breath, my hands tugging him nearer unconsciously.

"But I'm worried about you love" Jackson sighs, leaning his forehead against mine briefly.

"I'm okay. I'll be okay" I reply while trying to smile, not wanting him to worry. Jackson was still cupping my face and it probably looked like a grimace as he let out another sigh.

He contemplated while staring back into my eyes. He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it up and I reached up to comb his hair back properly causing his eyes to droop.

I smiled softly, rubbing my fingers gently against his scalp, loving that I could see the tension slowly leave his body.

"I'll reply you this time" I whisper, continuing to run my hands through his hair. Jackson's eyes had fallen completely shut, his hands holding my waist now instead.

"Please do. Let me know about everything and anything at all. Like how many scoops of cereal you ate. Or like how your fringe annoyed you or how it blocks the sun from your eyes. Anything" he murmured, his fingers drawing circles on my waist.

"I will" I nodded, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Promise?" Jackson asked, opening his eyes to stare into mine.

"Promise" I said, giving him a small smile.


Jackson had left that morning reluctantly, constantly turning back to look at me, his face still etched with worry. I smiled while waving at him, not wanting him to worry about my weirdness.

I laid in bed, feeling so drained after, my hands holding Jackson's hoodie to my face. I fell asleep shortly after, only waking when Youngjae called me to join them for lunch.


"Coming" I replied, dragging myself out of bed and folding Jackson's hoodie neatly.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, quickly going to join them, knowing that they would report to Jackson. Betrayers.

"You look tired" Mark commented, taking in my appearance.

"I am" I shrugged, giving him a small smile.

To: Darling husband and king of my life

Hey darling
I'm having my lunch now.
I'm so sleepy
Will probably head back to bed after this

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