Chapter 7

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No One POV

Tzuyu went to her campus in early morning..Eventhough she still weak,but she still can manages herself to go to her campus.


"Tzuyu ah...Are you sure that you want to go campus?You're still have a fever..Better you are not cause you are still weak and just keep rest pleasee.."Tzuyu's mom said

"I'm okay mom..Don't worry..I just felt bored at the house if i keep rest the bedroom..Plus i still can manage myself mom..Its okay,there are many of my friends thay will take care of me."


"Mom....I need to catch my study...I want to be like Mina unnie..She was clever girl so i want that names too..I want people know me as a clever girl,not a nerd..Mom pleasee"

"You are clever enough sweetie.."Tzuyu's mom said

"But still!I have to catch my lesson..Mom what we learn today is not same for tomorrow so please,let me go this time..I'm promise,i will back home as soon as possible after i finished my class"

"Damn tzu...You are so stubborn..Fine!I let you go this time..But make sure you take care of yourself..And stop putting burden to your friends.."Tzuyu's mom said and she quiet for a moment.

"F-fine..I will stopped"Tzuyu said and walked away

End of flashback...

Tzuyu is still felt guilty to her mom aftet what happend earlier..It was not the first time they arguing,but Tzuyu still felt guilty towards her mom after she showed her little rude action towards her mom.

"Geez...I should listen to her earlier.."She said and suddenly stop walking..

"Mina unnie?"She small her eyes while looking at the girl who was far away from her.

"Unnieee!"She run to her like a kid and tapped her shoulder making her unnie flinched.

"Omo!You startled me.."She said and sniffed then looked away..Tzuyu who was felt confused then tapped her shoulder again.

"Unnie,what's wrong?Are you crying?"She asked like a little sister.

"Um?Aniyaa..I'm okayy.."She said and smiled..But her little dongsaengs know that it was not her true smile..I know her sister well..

She wrapped her hand around her while walking.

"i know you were lie..Tell me your problems..Maybe i can help you even a little?"

"No there is nothing wrong chewy...I'm just fine"She said and sniffed again..Suddenly,someone was caught Tzuyu's eyes..It was Jimin..He looks liked mad by looking at his face..Then Tzuyu looked at her unnie again..

"Is it something wrong between you and Jimin oppa?"I asked and she smiled

"I told you...Theres is nothing chewy..Why wouldn't you believe me huh?"She said and pinched her nose

"No i believe you..But looked at there..Seems like jimin oppa was angry and crying at the same time..Unnie,you don't have to lie..I know you well.."Tzuyu said and her unnie take a deep breath.

"Fine...Yeah both of us met earlier.."She said and Tzuyu's eyes went bulged.

"You guys did?!"

"Yeah why?"

"I'm so happy that you guys finally have a courage to spoke up with each other.."Tzuyu said and smiled happily..

"Its not what you thought though.."

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