Chapter 1

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Tzuyu POV

"Tzuyu!!Wake up right now!You're gonna be late at campus.."My mom suddenly yelled make me wake up from a dreamland.

I looked at my watch and immediately widened my eyess

"SHITTEU!!I WAS LATEE!"I shouted and get up from my bed and quickly taking a bath.

After done,i wear my simple outfit and my glasses before walk to the campus.

Yeah i was from the unwealthy family and i was lived with my mother only since my father was already passed away because of the accident.

Yeah i was from the unwealthy family and i was lived with my mother only since my father was already passed away because of the accident

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(Tzuyu outfits)

After done dressing up,i quickly went downstairs for some breakfast.

"Morning eomma.."I said while kissed her forehead

"Here,please eat faster..You're gonna be late at class."My mom said and i nodded.

While i was eating,i looked at my mom who was busy prepared something.

"Eomma,what are you doing?"I asked

"Oh i want to go somewhere"She said and i creased my forehead..I looked her face was red and that make me felt more confused

"Where?"I asked

"Huh?Oh I-i want to sold this ring.."She said while showed the ring.I was widened my eyes while looked at her,"Eomma!Why are you want to sold that ring?It was the ring that appa gave to you when you guys were married!Are you gonna sell that precious things?"I said and i can see her tearing up

"T-tzuyuu,i have to do this..If we sell this ring,we are gonna have a money and i can pay your university fees.Tzuyu,we don't have anything else right now,only this ring who can helped us..."She said while her tears keep falling down to her pinky cheeks..I was hurted..I don't like to see her crying..I know she doesn't want to mortgage the ring but she had to for paying my university fees since we don't pay almost 5 month..

"Eomma please don't mortgage that ring..It was the only precious thing that appa gave to you.."I stopped and get up from my seat..I went near my mom and hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry..I will pay my university fees by my own..I will find a money for that..But pleasee,don't mortgage the ring..You're gonna regret after that..."I said while hugged my mom..She was crying so hardly until i can feel my shirt was wetting.

"Eomma don't crying pleasee.."I said

"Mianhe Tzuyu ah,i can't afford your university fees..I'm trying so hard to find a money but it still not enough for us..Mianhe Tzuyu ah..."My mom said

"Shush...Eomma gwaenchana..I was a clever girl right?I will make sure that i will be a scholarship at there so that i will not burden you anymore.."

"Gumawo tzuyu ah...You're such a good daughter.."My mom said and there a smile created on my face

"Saranghae eomma.."

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