Chapter 6 (Jimina)

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Mina POV

"Minaa!"Someone yelled as i turned my head..She stopped as soon as she infront of me while gasped for the air.

"Why did you call me?"I asked and she handed me one paper..I creased my forehead and looked at her again,"what was this for,Eunha?"

"Oh the councelor want to meet you and he gave this to you..I don't have any idea too about this paper cause he just told me to handed this.."She said and i take the paper from her.

"Umm thanks btw.."I said and she smiled

"No prob..Btw,you walked so fast!I almost can't catch my breath...."She said making me let out a small chuckled.


"Nah its sokey..You should go now,the councelor must be waiting for you.."She said and i nodded..

As i reached at the councelor office,i knocked the door slowly.

"Come in.."I can heard the voice of the councelor..I gulped for a second cause he was very strict person and keep his cold face to everyone..That's the reason why all of the student scared of him,includes me.

"D-did you call me,mr?"I stuttered..

"Yes"He said coldly making me gulping.

"I call you to comes here because i want to tell that you will switch the class with some other student.."He said and my eyes went bulged.

"W-what do you mean?My grades becomes down?!"I was nervous..I keep biting my lips while waiting the councelor to spoke up.

"No..I just switch you because since you have a good grades,i want you to help some other student to make their grade become high..I don't want our university will talk shit by the people out there just because most of our student here are all bullshit..You know what the meaning of university right?Its only for a good and discipline student,not a bullshit or something else we do here..So i need your help..Its for our university and also the student future..I hope you agreed,Mrs Myoui.."He said and i gulped again...Can i do this?I know i was the one of the clever girl in this campus but being connection with them is seems to hard for me cause i'm not a talkative person and just a shy girl.

"Thank you mr but i don't think i can do this..You know that i'm not a talkative person so it may be hard to be connection with them.."I said and took a deep breath.

"Its okay mrs Myoui..You just have to teach them,that's all..You don't have to explain everything to them cause i know,you also still focusing on your study..You just teach them when they do not understand,okay?"The councelor said and smiled..Whoa,this was my first time seeing him smile!I like it!

"O-okay i'll try"I said

"Good..Now you may go back to your class..Tomorrow you will exchange..Oh about the paper,give it back to me cause i have to sign it"He said pointing the paper i grabbed..I immediately pass the paper to him and make a move out of the room..

As soon as i closed the door,i let out a big relief..

"Its not bad i guess"I said and smiled..But that smile immediately faded as soon as i saw a group of little ass buffalo comes toward me.

"Hello sweetiee.."Nancy approached me while tapped my shoulder.

"Get off your dirty ass hand of my shoulder,buffalo"I said coldly and her expression changed.

"W-what?Buffalo?You bitch!"She said and grabbed my wrist tightly that i can tell it can broke at the same time too..

"Yeah i know i'm bitch but atleast i'm still a human..Not like you"I said and smirked..She was burning up..Without hesitation,she slapped my face really hard and there it was...My blood start dripping to my shirt.

"You know what,you shouldn't mess up with us!and now as you can see,what happen to you"Nancy said while her little buffalo laughing..

I clenched my teeth,"And you know what,you and your little buddies was went to a wrong place..Let me tell you the truth..This place is ONLY for a human not an animal like you all..So back off before i smack your Ass Face until it ruined!"I said and throw my saliva right on her face..Her eyes went bulged,while her members just frozed looking at her.

I smirked,"what kind of little buffalo did you pick up or chose Nancy?They are not even helped you in this situation..Very good friend you chose sweetheart"

"You bitc----"She was about to slap me again but someone was stopped her..I just frozed looking at him without doing anything.

"Once you touch her,i will not let you see this world again,nancy...I warned you,so you better get your dirty hands off.."Jimin said as i was zoned out for a moment..Everyone was speechless including Nancy..

"Hah!Do you seem like i care?You can't do anything to me jimin!So you should back off and don't bothered us.."Nancy said

"Oh.....You think like that?Such a stupid little ass whore..Didn't you see how much i hurted a girl in this campus who was trying to hurt her?Are you blind or what?!I'm so Sorry stupid...But I'm not like the others guy who can't do anything to girls!Don't you think that i can't do what i want to do to you nancy..Just wait and see..What will i do to you later,maybe its more worse than the other girls or maybe even a guy!"Jimin said and grabbed my wrist..I was shocked and try to get off his hand but his gripped was more strong enough than me..Both of us leaving that whore who was still speechless after what did this guy told them earlier..

"Why are you messing with them?!"He suddenly raised up his voice after spin me to the wall..I just sniffed and rolled my eyes.

"Why would you care tho?"

"I care because i don't want you to get hurt by that whore!You know how much they can hurted you even they didn't care if you are die or not!"He said angrily..This time i looked at him seriously..I've been patient with this guy and now he was pass a limit.

"SO WHAT?!WHY WOULD YOU CARE IF I DIE OR NOT?!BEFORE THIS,YOU NEVER DO THIS TO ME..YOU SAID THAT YOU DON'T WANT ANYONE HURTED ME BUT YOU WAS THE PERSON WHO HURTED ME MORE!STOP ACTING JIMIN!I KNOW YOU ARE FAKE..YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE CAUSE I'M ALREADY ENOUGH WITH YOU!"I said as i'll try to hold my tears..I'm still strong..I know i can do this..I already swear for god sake that i will never looked dump infront of people again..And here i was,stand infront this guy.

"Mina please...I didn't mean to hurted you..Let me expla------"

"Do you think i care about you stupid explanation?Even 100 hundreads times you told me about your explanation,i will never except it"I said

"You are changed,mina......."His tears started to fall down to his cheeks

"I never expected you to be like this....I miss the old you.."He said and looked down..

"You are the reason why i'm being liked this!So don't ever told me that you miss the old me jimin..I never regret for doing this..This is my choice and you can't changed it..Please...Just get out of my life and don't fucking bothered me again...Help me jimin,help me...Help me to forget you..."I said and my tears started to rolled down.I wiped my tears and looked at him.

"I'm sorry jimin but i had to tell you this.."I stopped and take a deep breath.."I don't love you anymore...My feelings toward you already gone,so there is no chance anymore for us to get back or fix our relationship..I'm very sorry but i already loved someone else so please,let go of me..Continue your life without me..I don't need you anymore.."I said he just quiet..I had to lie him..Its not like i want to break his heart,but i want to forget him..

Not took a long time,i make a moved and walk away from him but he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Are you sure you want me to let you go?"He asked with his teary eyes and i can see their are dissapointment on his eyes.

I smiled fakely,"That's my favor Jimin..Maybe you should do it cause that favor may be the last time from me..."I said and smiled than walked away leaving him crying at behind..I took a deep breath while try to hold my tears.

"You are strong girl mina..Beat it..You already did a good job.."I thought to myself

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