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Hey everyone, before I post the final chapter of this book I really would like to express my deepest most sincere gratitude to all the readers who have been with me since chapter one. This has been a very special journey for me and I would forever hold Lucas and Evelyn very close to my heart. It was because of their remarkable story that I was able to fall in love with writing and I hope their story meant something to you as it did to me. To Katrina, thank you so much for the never ending encouragement. I never thought I would ever write a book much less be writing my third and planning a fourth. To my girls, thank you for being the inspiration behind my characters and blessing me with a friendship as beautiful as the one Evelyn shares with her friends. To each and everyone of you, it gives me great pleasure to announce that yes, Nico and Dillon's story is on the way so we won't say good-bye to the boys just yet...

The final chapter is coming very soon

Until then, vote, comment and share your thoughts for an epilogue perhaps ;)


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