Chapter 9

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You're my waking thought, my sweet dream, and everything in between.- perry

Evelyn's POV.

Never was I so grateful to see the doorsteps of my home as I switched the engine of my car off. Both mentally and physically exhausted from the constant sparing with Lucas, I quickly cleaned up the tornado of mess that I had left behind from the morning before retreating to the en-suite. Putting the bathtub to fill, I rummaged through the nearby shelf selecting a combination of lavender and vanilla oils pouring an exaggerated amount into the warm water as the fragrant aroma filled the air. Discarding my robe onto the low slung sofa that sat nearby, I emerged into the water sighing with relief as my muscles slumped instantly becoming boneless. Feeling the tension seep out of my body, I lay my head back against the folded fluffy white towel listening to Bach croon softly through the speakers.

The unexpected slam of my bathroom door being burst open caused me to open my eyes in alarm as my heart slammed against my chest from the brief moment of panic.

"I gave you the keys for emergency." I said to Jade closing back my eyes as she strolled into the once peaceful atmosphere.

"It was an emergency." She stated haughtily, "My best mate went into the devil's lair and suddenly we heard nothing from you all day."

"I had a very...trying day." I replied.

"Trying as in you tried to murder each other or trying as in you snogged the hotshot and it wasn't as good as he looked?" She questioned as her bright chocolate brown eyes twinkled mischievously at the glare I threw her way.

"I missed my alarm this morning." I said to her, "You can only imagine what happened after."

"I really was worried about you Eve." She replied brushing her jet black hair away from her eyes, "Charlotte, Elizabeth, Brand and I have been calling your phone throughout the day nonstop. I even picked up my checkbook in case you were in jail for actually killing Italy's finest."

"I can see that." I stated, "So much that you Char and Elizabeth abandoned Brand and I at the anniversary party."

"I'm sorry Eve." She apologized, "I spent most of the night hand stitching the final pieces for my upcoming show and you know that Char and Elizabeth are nursing the flu."

"I know." I said, "I'm sorry too...Lucas takes more out of me than should be humanely allowed."

"Tell me everything." She said unable to contain her amusement as she jumped onto the vanity, with her long floral printed skirt fanning out around her, "Oh never mind, I'll go and get us some popcorn and sweeties. I can already feel the dramatic content."

In a flurry she was out the room with her loud voice echoing throughout my house. Emerging from the warm bath, I stepped into the adjoined shower, quickly rinsing before I pulled on a pair of comfortable pajamas.

A few minutes later, I joined Jade in the kitchen gratefully accepting the dinner plate she handed over as we strolled into the living area. With her bowl of popcorn in hand accompanied with an oversized wine glass, she practically bounced of the seat awaiting me as I placed a forkful of the roast into my mouth.

"The suspense is killing me Eve!" She said tucking her feet under her as she took a generous sip from her glass.

Putting her out of her misery, I began with the events from the weekend before openly cringing at my lesser moments as she listened intently.

"...and then I walked off slamming his office door once again." I ended as her wide eyes in-took the information.

"I can't believe you vomited on him." Was her first comment as she stifled her laughter.

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