Chapter 21

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My eyes refuse to watch you leave, so tears will blur the memory. –perry poetry 

Evelyn's POV.

Gathering a much needed composure, I leaned against the sink as the cool marble doused my heated skin. Staring at my reflection in the brightly lit en-suite, I splashed cold water onto my face willing the twin red streaks that stained my skin away. My eyes were bright, glowing even. I looked...swallowing a gulp I looked at myself once more. I looked aroused. The dull ache between my legs still throbbed mercilessly it was borderline painful as I urged my body to a state of calamity.

The door shut behind me, yet I needed not to look around as my legs visibly quivered from his nearness. It was as though my body was attuned to his presence. Coming to stand directly behind me, his nearness a breath short of being pressed against my derriere.

It's what you long for my subconscious sniped.

His dark intense eyes clashed with mine in the reflection of the mirror as my fingers tightened their grip against the sink.

"Get out." I snapped yet it came out on a short breath as my chest heaved against the flimsy shirt.

"Admit it Evelyn." He said in almost a growl as his red mouth pursed as though he was distained.

I needed not to ask him what he meant for I knew the answer to the question.

We both did and yet I could not say it as he caged his strong forearms against me forming a barrier though torturously making no contact.

I was afraid that if he did we both would have ended up on the floor.

"Why are you fighting it?" He asked again in that low accented voice against my ear as I trembled.

His warm breath tickled me as the growing need between my legs pounded relentlessly. Frustration won out as I turned to him, anger spiking my veins mixed with desire that I no longer cared showed.

"Why?" I seethed, ignoring the way my breast pressed against his hard chest or the way my nipples puckered to attention grazing him, "Consider yourself lucky that I'm not fighting you right now."

"I would love to wrestle with you gattina." He smoothly commented earnestly though those red lips hinted at a smirk as he fought to contain his serious expression.

Exasperated, I made my way to exit feeling his lingering eyes trailing behind me as he followed.

Returning to the dining room, I carefully took my seat feeling every pair of eyes fall upon me as the ongoing conversation paused.

"What?" I snapped, filling my plate as moments later Lucas came to the empty seat beside me. His presence as large as an elephant as his thighs rested against mines causing me to jump at the contact.

"Would you care for some wine?" Brandon asked as always, breaking the silence.

"Please." I responded raising my glass to him as he passed Lucas the bottle.

"Is it true that you are taking over Levinson's Tech Corp?" Jade as blunt as ever questioned towards Lucas.

"It's in discussion." He tersely replied as his large warm hand came to rest on my upper thigh squeezing softly as I jumped.

"Are you alright Eve?" Charlotte asked.

Nodding, I took a generous sip of my wine as I felt Lucas' gaze seep into the side of my face.

"I never knew that you had an interest in the tech basis." Elizabeth said.

"It would be obtuse of me not to." He replied, "Technology and innovation are the two leading factors of the world today."

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