Chapter 10

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Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it - Nicolas Sparks

Evelyn's POV.

Awaking at 4:45 A.M. the following morning I jumped out of bed feeling giddy with excitement for some unknown reason. Maybe it was because of the fact that I had woken up before my alarm or knowing that I was going to give Lucas a taste of his own medicine. After showering and brushing my teeth I applied my makeup as instructed then fixed my hair into the high messy ponytail. Seeing as it was only 5:30 a.m I decided to paint my nails and toes a red color to go along with the matching shoes and lipstick. Satisfied with my final appearance, I took one final glance at my vanity mirror. By Jade's talented design, the trendy navy blue dress hugged my body falling at an appropriate length a few inches above my knees. Attaching on a golden belt and a pair of strappy red heels, I reapplied my lipstick before I sent the promising picture to Jade. Grabbing my purse, I exited my home as I maneuvered throughout the lightly traffic streets of the early morning. Pulling into the almost packed parking lot a while later, a wave of accomplishment washed through me as I entered the bustling building as employees filed around the lobby room in their groups making their way to their floor.

Heading into the elevator I could have felt the numerous stares following my footsteps as a familiar voice called out my name.

"Is this our meeting place?" Will questioned grinning down at me while doing a once over on my appearance as his blushing eyes met mine.

"Good morning Will." I replied feeling a genuine smile make its way onto my face.

"Good morning Eve, you look...really beautiful." He said sheepishly as he donned on his suit jacket.

"Thank you." I replied, "Are almost most of the employees always in this early?" I questioned as he stepped onto floor.

"Would you care to join me for tea in the café downstairs and then I'll answer all your inquisitive questions?" He asked.

"I would love to." I replied, "I'm going to set my things down and then I would meet you there in a few."

Stepping onto my floor I was greeted by Martha who sat at the desk along with Drew and Lily who Alicia had informed were the two new interns.

"Hello dear." Martha greeted, "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

"Thank you, we have a meeting this morning... Is he in yet?" I questioned darting my eyes towards Lucas' closed door.

"No Ma'am, the meeting begins at 7:30 in the breakfast lounge at Harrington's Inn. He said he would be in for 7 this morning." Drew replied on a rushed breath flushing as he tried not to stare at me.

Chatting with them a few minutes longer, I headed down to the café where I met Will who met Alicia and invited her tagged her along.

Taking a seat beside Alicia I accepted the cup graciously from Will's hands.

"What I would give to look like you." Alicia commented smiling sweetly at me.

Grinning I thanked her as Will's voice broke through the loud chitter chatter of the café as more staff members sauntered in enjoying their breakfast, "I believe you have some questions."

"One of which I asked already." I replied taking a sip of the warm tea.

"Mr. Demachelis demands efficiency. It is a widely known fact that he is a workaholic as one should be running a billion dollar multinational empire. He only employs the best if I must say so myself." Will said boastfully, "But the salary is more than anyone can ask for. He might be known for being brutal but he is fair."

"I don't think I would have enjoyed working elsewhere." Alicia put in.

"I got many offers but my loyalty remains here." Will stated as I nodded at the information.

"Tell us what happened yesterday in his office." Alicia said turning to Will.

"Are you referring to the nightmare that followed me into my dreams last night?" Will commented dryly, "Not even my old pops made me as fearful."

That caused us both to erupt into a fit of giggles and he scowled at us.

"I'm glad I can humor you both." He continued sarcastically, "As for future references however, please refrain from upsetting the boss, I can only be grateful I still have a job."

After conversing a bit more, I excused myself, heading back into my office browsing through the schedule that Alicia had given me the previous day as my door slowly opened to reveal a sharp looking Lucas dressed in a navy suit with a crisp white shirt and a matching navy tie. His dark eyes bore into me as he crossed the room taking a seat opposite me as I cocked a questioning brow his way.

"May I help you?" I asked as the familiar smirk tugged at his red mouth.

"Are you ready?" He questioned as his eyes trailed along my skin as the breath trapped within me.

Realizing he was awaiting my answer, I hesitantly nodded as I slowly rose from my seat making my way in front of him as he remained frozen beside me, dark eyes blazing only this time instead of fury, someone much deeper, much darker laid in its wake as my knees buckled and my body responded quivering in awareness. 

A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY LOVESSSS. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night and this quick but short update. Of course please don't forget to vote and comment. I really want to hear from you guys. 


See you soon...

oxoxox...Allison :) 

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