The ambush

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OMG I AM SOOOOO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED FOR AGES AND I FEEL REALLY BAD i dont even have a good excuse im so sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. well on with the story


*****At Yogtowers*****

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!!!!" I shouted, knowing that only Sjin was in today not both Sjin and Duncan so i new there wont be any fights or awkwardness.

"What happened Maddie are you ok, are you hurt, who hurt you, was is the HatFilms lot....again." Sjin said bursting into the door and seeing me on the floor still on my awesome chair because my hands were tied up behind it.

"OMG who did this to you?, are you ok?" Again with the questions.

"1 it was Smiffy and Ross NOT Trott and no I'm not ok my hand really hurts as i am lying on it on top of a heavy chair, I landed on my hand when they ran out of the room they must have pushed me over i don't really remember it was all a bit of a blur, one second they were here and the next i was lying on the floor all by myself tied to a chair." I say between sobs as i realize my right hand is in intense pain.

"Ok ok right first i will untie you then i will get Minty to have a look at your hand she's really good at these sort of things." Dad says as he unties my hands and lifts me up off of the floor.

*****Minty's Office 10mins later*****

"Maddie your hand looks broken so you will have to go to the hospital to get a cast sadly i cant do that for you. Ill call Sjin and get him to take you, where did he go anyway?"

"Probably to shout at Smiffy and Ross for tying me to a chair and breaking my hand." I explain and make shore that she know that it was not Trott.

Just as i had finished talking Smiffy and Ross walked in the door, they looked really unhappy.

"Were sorry Maddie." They both said in unison, it was a bit creepy really.

"That's ok guys you didn't mean to break my hand."

"What!" They said in unison again except this time it included Sjin

"They broke your hand?"

"Yeah but i forgive them, so lets get to the hospital and get a cast on it yeah."

*****Outside to hospital 1 and a half hours later*****

"I see you got your favorite colour for your cast can i sign it?" Trott asks, he had to come with us to the hospital.

"Yeah i love green but lime green is my real fav colour along with yellow."

"Yeah can i sign it too?"

"Yes dad of course you can................

I love you guys you know."

They reply in unison, they have been doing at lot of that recently.

"We love you to Maddie."

Right im sooo sory i havent updated i feel like i have had my left arm ripped of , and yes it has to be left its my fav arm.

i will try to update more now its the summer holidays whooo anyway byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooooo ooooooooo

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