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Hey guys how ya doin so sorry i havent updated for a while but i promise that i wont update for a week at a time again i try to update every three days but dont kill me if i dont and if i dont update for a long time then just keep bugging me about it and i will update and i will also put in a resonable exuse for why i havent updated so whoop whoop anywaaaaayyys on with the story.

*****At Yogtowers*****

Duncans pov

(ohhhh look at me changing povs whooo and if you dont like it then GET USED TO IT LOL)

"Duncan we need to make more machines so we can grind stuff up so we get twice as much now tinkers construct has been removed ahh stupid Ridge why couldn't he just keep it in he always makes stuff awkward for us. Duncan are you there or are you ignoring me Duncan DUNCAN!!!!" Lewis asks Duncan over the headset as they are playing minecraft again.

"Oh im sorry Duncan had to step out for a while but dont worry he will be back in a couple of days or so."Sjin mysteriously answers Lewis in place of Duncan

"SJIN why are you here and where is Du..." Lewis is cut of by Sjin turning off the computer he then turns to me and looks at me on the floor "Awwwww is poor ol'Duncan in pain on the floor well that is what you get for trying to adopt my future daughter      see you tommorow for magic police oh and watch yourself."

Sjins pov

"I cant believe that Duncan wants to adopt my future daughter how dare he." I mumble to myself.

"Umm Sjin i just came to ask if you are you still up for going to the pub tonight with the guys?"Rythian asks walking in."Yeah im still up for it anyway How long have you been standing there?"Sjin asks worried that he heard what he said about Duncan "Oh not long why?" Rythian asks back in confusion "Oh ummm no reason anyway ahhh i have some business to attend to byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Sjin said trying not to be suspicious but not really succeeding.

I walked as quietly as i could down the corridor to Duncans room I saw him through the window playing minecraft with Simon and Lewis so i slowly walked into his room silently shutting the door behind me. When I got to him I took the headset off of his head and punched him in the nose then again in the stomach and I laughed and watched him as he doubled over in pain "Why?" Duncan asked in pain.

"Duncan we need to make more machines so we can grind stuff up so we can get twice as much now tinkers construct has been removed ahh stupid Ridge why couldn't he just keep it in he always stuff awkward for us. Duncan are you there or are you ignoring me Duncan DUNCAN!!!!" I heard Lewis through the head set and I walked over to the head set and i answerd him"Oh im sorry Duncan had to step out for a while but don't worry he will be back in a couple of days or so."

"SJIN why are you here and where is Du..."Lewis was cut off by me turning off the computer and walking back over to Duncan"Awwwww is porr ol'Duncan in pain on the floor well that is what you get for trying to adopt my future daughter    see you tomorrow for magic police oh and watch yourself." I say to him before kicking him in his genatels watching him cry in pain i walk out looking like nothing had happened at all.

***** At the orphanage*****

Maddie's pov

"MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE!!!!!!!" Summur shouted at me as i lie in my bed "what do you want Summur?" I ask sleppily "oh well you now YOU ARE GOING OUT WITH DUNCAN TODAY" Summur shouts at me"oh yeah but he is not coming untill lunch time 12 oclock and its only 9 oclock so WHY?"

"Because Sjin is hear right now!!!!" Summur says getting right up in my face now "Ok ok ok summur get out of my face and i will get dressed and go downstairs owh can you tell Sjin that i will be down in 10 mins plz bacause you love me and i got you to come to Yogtowers with us plzzzz!!!!"I plead to Summur as i am in my onzie and i dont want to go down because i am lazzzey"You want me to go downstairs to talk to Sjin Well if you insist ok i would love to yes whooooooo"

Sjins pov

I see Summur run down the stairs and she ran straight into me "OMG sorry Sjin Maddie wanted me to tell you that she will be about 10 mins because she is getting dressed as she has only just woken up"She states.

So i sit and wait for Maddie in the living room and i hear her running down the stairs.I stand up greeting her with a hug then I tell John that I want to have a private chat with Maddie."So why do you want to have a private chat with me have i done somthing wrong? of do you not want to adopt me anymore?"she asks franticly "No and No I just came to tell you that duncan cant make it today so you will be able to have your day out some when next week when he is feeling better."I say accidently laughing the last bit i also had a big grin on my face "SJIN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT DUNCAN!!!!"she shouts at me from her seat "I havent done anything to duncan why do you ask?" 

"Because you where so angry the last time i saw you and told you he wanted to adopt me as well i thought that you might do somthing stupid but i guess i should trust you if one day you might be my father and you would tell me the truth right?" she asks obvioulsy trying to make me feel guilty well if that is what she was doing then she was doing a good job of it and i cant help but tell her "Oh Maddie i am so sorry i dont now what came over me and i just went into his room and attacked him will you ever forgive me please MADDIE PLEASE?"I say, i feel a tear roll down my face.

"Yes i forgive you we all have our momments of anger all ineed to now is WHY?"

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