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*****2 days later*****

*****Nothing happens during these two days*****

At the orphanage me and Summur wait for the letter with the results, we have decided that whilst we wait we are going to go into to the garden and climb the forbidden tree.

"MADDIE" Summur screamed at the top of her lungs as she dangled from one of the highest branches of the forbidden tree"yes ok Summur its going to be fine I'm going to get John to help us" I say as i am running away not giving her time to respond. Taking the first step in the building i hear an ear piercing shriek come from the garden, so I quickly turned on the spot ( like a boss)and race back for the place were Summur lay on the ground. I get to her and streams of tears flood from her deep brown eyes. "Summur are you ok do you need ice or John or even an ambulance." I say fussing over her the feel of guilt burns all over at the thought that i could have badly injured my one and only friend.

I sprint back inside to get John and before i get a chance to tell him what happened he told me that the results were here but not in letter form he told me this as he pointed to a man with a brown mustache a beanie on his head It was Sjin.I ran over to him and gave him a hug and told them both we really needed to get back to the garden because Summur is hurt.

We got to the garden and Summur is still laying there Sjin took one look at Summur and told us to see if she could stand, I went to Summur and asked her to try to stand and that i would help her, she slowly got up only leaning on one foot so i asked "Can you stand on the other leg?"

"N n n n no i th th th ink its brok broken " she stammered tears still flowing down her cheeks.

John ran inside and rang the hospital for an ambulance.

When we were in th hospital the nurse took Summur for an x-ray and told us we could take a seat here to wait. When she walked back through the door into the x-ray room i got up and danced across the hall and then sat back down again " Maddie why are you dancing at a time like this your friend might have just broke her leg." John asked with a stern look on his face "well because i am right now sat next to Sjin from the Yogscast and i cant believe how happy i am."i chirped back "Well just to make your day even better you Maddie have been chosen to be my apprentice by me obviously." Sjin told me and i just had to ask "So why did you come in person to the orphanage ?" "Because for a while now i have been feeling lonely it just being me in my small house so i wanted to adopt and the first day you came to the auditions i new that you would be perfect and i want to take you out somewhere so we can get to now eachouther better."

Sjin replied as i shouted "Yes Yes Yes i would apsaloooooootly love to go out with you somewhere and i would love it even more if you decide to adopt me."

Summur cane back out of the hospital with a browny red cast on her leg because she had in fact broken three bones in her leg and i felt horrible. I asked Summur why she picked the colour she dix and then we started what we always do "Mahogany doors" " Mahogany doors" "Mahogany doors" "Mahogany doors" "Mahogany doors" and only me and Summur and some one else laughed we turned around to see that person was Sjin and he told us that we were the first people he has heard doing that simultaneously.

When we got back to the orphanage Sjin said bye and that he will see me tomorow for our day out together, after he had gone Summur looked at me shock so i explained everything that happened and we both screamed and i could not wait until tomorrow.

Dads! (A yogscast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now