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Chapter 1

The Audition

I had just woke up and at the moment it is 6 o'clock in the morning, but i am to exited and i cant go back to sleep because today is the day that i am going to a very special audition. I am auditioning to be the next new apprentice for one of the Yogscast and the place they are holding the audition is in London so i need to get ready super quick if i want to get there early for the signings ( and i do ).

So i get dressed in my favorite black leggings and a yellow tee-shirt as it is a hot day. I wake up my best freind and room mate Summur and tell her she needs to get ready if she wants to come and watch ( me and Summur watch the Yogscast all the time but she is to shy to audition so she is going to watch and get some things signed). We both run downstairs and get some cereal and gobble it down dry as the orphanage hasn't bought any more milk.

We wake up John the care taker and tell him that we are ready to go,

****30 mins later****

We are driving to London so this is going to be a long car journey and it is already 7:00 am and we need to be there in time for the signings at mid day, as if this drive couldnt get any worse i suddenly hear sounds that mad my stomach churn, i look round to were Summur is sitting and she has her head sticking ut of the window and she is throwing up out of the window all over the motorway. Winding up the window Summur tells me that she could not stop thinking about meeting the actual Yogscast she just got too exited and could not stop herself.

****4:30 hrs later****

We finally arrive at the place of the audition and we can see Simon and Lewis greeting people as they go in side. In sink me and Summer both screamed and that made Simon and Lewis look our way, we stormed out of the car and ran at Simon and Lewis and gave them both great big hugs they welcomed us, showed us to the under 15s audition room and told us that the signings would start in 30 mins once everyone is here te under 15s room will have Sjin, Duncan and us doing the signings then Kim, Hannah ,Kaeyi and Zoyea.

****30 mins later ****

The signings began and i opened my bag and realised i forgot my note pad but Summur had remembered hers and got some signatures for me and when we got to Sjin Summur got two signatures from him but i wanted somthing a little more and i told him that the Yogscast even though i didnt really know them the Yogscast was like my familly and they ment so much to me and i asked him if i could pobably maybe sign his hat for me.

****Sjins pov****

When the last two girls came up to get autographs they said some weird things the first said " can i please have two signatures one for me and one for my freind" so i could not say no because i would dissapoint her so i did it and i waited for the last girl to come up and she said some thing even weirder " I have forgoten my note pad so i was wondering well because i even though i dont really know you guys i think of you as my family so i was wondering if u could ummm maybe sign your hat for me maybe."So i thought about it and took my hat off slowly and i looked at it for what i thought would be the last time and i signed it and handed it over but it was all worth it to see the look on her face.

****Maddie's pov****

I took the signed hat off of Sjin and i could not stop smiling. I ran over to Summur and i showed her the hat and she freaked. After we got some more signatures we waited for the auditions to begin.


The auditions began and i was 34th because it was in alpabetical order. Me and Summur waited for my go .

Dads! (A yogscast fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum