Adoption number 2

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Yay another chapter p.s after this book i will be writing anotheryogscast fan fic called On Top Of The World with a lot more Rythian and Zoeya in so im looking forward to that but anyway on with the story.

I awoke to the sound of slamming draws, opening my eyes i can see that it is Summur i have no idea what on earth she could be looking for she then without noticing my eyes were open walked over to my draws and started looking through them too." Summur what are you looking for in my draws at FIVE o clock in the morning?" I say quite loudly mostly because i am in shock that it is this early and Summur is actually out of bed and fully clothed."oh eeeerrrrrrrrrmmmmmmm i am just looking for my ummmmm my ummmmm"she stammered "your what now ?"i reply trying to get an answer out of her,"Fine i have been keeping a secret diary and i didn't want to tell you because i thought you would laugh at me." "Oh Summur you are my best friend why would i laugh at you for something like keeping a diary in fact i have been wanting to keep one since i was about 5 and everyone at school had one, so don't worry and if you don't want me to i wont tell but what i do want to now is why are you looking for it at this hour?" i ask "because you are my only friend and i now I'm yours but when you are not here i always write stuff to my diary and you are not going to be here for all of today so i needed to find it early so i could get it ready for later."


There was a knock at the door i heard John open it and the stranger at the door said"I am here to talk about the adoption off Maddie." i then John close the door behind the stranger. I ran back down the corridor into our room and told Summur that i thought Sjin was here already but that was crazy because he wasn't due to come and pick me up till 9 and it is only 7 as i was telling Summur this i heard John call me from downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen where i saw John talking to the stranger "Maddie this nice man would like to adopt you as well what did you say your name was again?" "my name is Duncan Duncan Jones." The not so stranger said as he walked past John and into veiw" and i would like to adopt you so would you like to come out with me tomorrow and we will get to know eachouther."he asked hopfully i nodded my head and then ran back upstairs to tell Summur what had just happened.

"But i thought Sjin was adopting you" Summur said in suprise "I know that is what John said but he told me that i should go out with them both and tell him who i would like to be my future dad.But i dont want to pick just one of them because i dont know but mabye if i go out with both of them then mabye it will be easyer to chose."

***** sos for the shoet chapter*****

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