The Mystery Potion

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Belladonna 25

The Mystery Potion

24 February 1994

"You're getting much better at that, Adrian," Ana said as she admired his handiwork.

With all that Ana had going on between the incident, Graham, Quidditch, and her own course load, Ana barely had any time left to devote to Adrian. Their tutoring sessions dropped to once a week. This actually worked out well for Adrian however, because the closer he got to OWLs the more work the Professors assigned.

"I owe you so much, Ana," he said. "I've learnt loads more from you than I have from Snape in four-and-a-half years."

"I'm not sure that's true."

"It is."

Ana smiled. She'd be sure to keep that to herself and not tell Sev.

"Now add those one at a time, stirring slowly three times in between. Twice..."

"Twice clockwise, and once anti-clockwise," Adrian finished.

"Don't get cheeky with me."

Adrian laughed but proceeded to add the root accordingly.

"Alright, so now that needs to sit, undisturbed, for thirty minutes, and then we add... Wait! Where's the salamander blood?"

"Er— I thought you were getting it," Adrian said.

"I thought you were getting it. You had it in your hand."

"I did?"

Ana nodded.

"I guess I put it back?" Adrian shrugged.

Ana bit her tongue to hold back the Wicked Witch. She was trying really hard to reform, but the less wicked she was towards Marietta, the more wicked she was to everyone else. She snapped at Sadie the day before for borrowing her hairbrush. And the week before she yelled at Hestia for taking one of her pain tonics even though she's had them sitting out for everyone to take since second year!

Ana took a deep breath. "That's all right. I should have some." She dug around in her traveling potions case and pulled out a glass vial with less than a centimeter's worth of liquid.

"Is it enough?" Adrian asked.

"No," Ana shook her head. "Still, this has to stew so I'll go get some now."

"I could go..."

"No! I mean... I'm sure you have revisions to do."

"Loads actually."

"Then it works out perfectly. I'll go. You'll stay. And that will remain undisturbed, yeah?"

Adrian threw up his hands and stepped away from the table. "I'll just sit in the corner and work on Charms."

Ana made her way through the dungeons to Sev's potions stores. Along the way, she took deep and even breaths. In. Out. In. Out. She was going to have to find an outlet for the wicked if she wanted to have friends left by seventh year.

"Hey, Sev, I..."

Ana stopped short in the doorway. The room was empty. Which was weird because the door was open and the light was on. Sev always closed the door and turned the lights off when he left. Always. Ana stepped back and looked both ways down the hall. Surely he'd be right back.

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