The Wicked Witch

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Belladonna 3

The Wicked Witch

1 September 1991

Ana stood on Platform 9 ¾ waiting to board the Hogwarts Express to begin her second year, but this time she was not alone.

"Thank you for bringing me to the station, Mrs. Malfoy," she said politely.

"It was little trouble, Ana," Narcissa Malfoy replied. "And you will do as we discussed?"

"Yes, Ma'am. It's as good as done."

Draco curled his lip and looked up at Ana. "What did you discuss with Mother?"

Ana smiled but didn't answer him. Narcissa, on the other hand, gently placed a palm to Draco's cheek in a tender caress.

"Now, Draco, you mind your Professors, all of them, but especially Professor Snape."

"Yes, Mother."

Ana could hear Draco roll his eyes, even if he didn't actually roll them. With no other affectionate display than the cheek stroke—the Malfoys were not big on public displays of affection, nor private ones at that—Ana and Draco turned to board the train.

"What did you discuss with Mother?" Draco demanded.

Before Ana could respond, their way was obstructed by a pair of red heads dashing in front of them.

"Oi! Watch it, Red!"

"Sorry! Didn't see you there, Little Snake!" Fred called over his shoulder.

Ana had no further interaction with Fred since her sorting, so she was surprised to discover that he remembered her. She was even more surprised by the realization that she was happy he remembered her. Ana smiled.

"What was that?" Draco asked, pulling Ana from her thoughts.

"It was nothing, just a silly little Gryffindor."

"You know he's a Weasley right?"

"I know perfectly well who he is."

"Good. So you know they'll all Blood-Traitors. You shouldn't be seen associating with them."

"Does it look like I'm associating with him? No. I'm standing here talking to you. Merlin help me as to why that is."

"No one asked you to," he spat.
"On the contrary, your Mother did."

"She did what?"

"She asked me to look after you, to make sure you stayed out of trouble, and that you earned top marks in all your classes. Don't make a liar out of me, Draco."

"I don't need your help," he sneered.

"Nor I yours. Now, I had half considered permitting you to sit with me, but now I think not. It's time you learn to fly; fly from the nest, Little Dragon."

"You're being an arse, Ana."

She was, wasn't she, but she wasn't sure why exactly. The only thing she could link it to was Draco's comment about Fred being a Blood-Traitor. She didn't buy into that nonsense herself, but she didn't think she'd get that upset over it.

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