Chapter 12 ~ The Explanation and Sassing a Frye

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Evie's POV:

As I let (Y/N) get dressed, I went downstairs to tell the other of the news of her condition. I found them in the large room that had a table that reminded me of the Knights table of King Arthur. The men surrounded the table as the discussed various things that could assist them in getting home.

The room fell silent as they heard the clicking of my boots come closer to them. As they looked to me, I was bombarded with questions.

'How is the girl?'

'Is the lass alright?'

'When can we see her?'

Other questions were asked that were jumbled together with the others question.

I lift my hand and they fell silent,' She's awake,' I state as I place my hands behind my back,' her wounds have healed substantially thanks to Connor's remedy. She's getting dressed now, we also now know as to why we are here now, including how she's important to all of this.'

'How is she important to all this?' Henry Green asks as I walk over to stand beside him at the head of the table. As I was about to speak, I am interrupted by another voice.

' I believe I can take it from here Evie,' everyone, including me, turns to the doorway I came through. A hooded figure in all black with a (F/C) sash, was leaning on the frame of the door in the shadows.

Reader's POV:

The room was silent as I leaned against the door frame of the grand room. I smirk from under my hood as I removed it from my head.

My hair had become longer suddenly during my slumber, as to why I am unsure. I decided to put it in a tight braid that was in a bun that twisted to look like a rose on the back of my head. Pieces of my (H/C) locks that couldn't stay in my new hairstyle brushed against my face as I walked towards the table they stood by with my arms clasped behind me, my boots tapping on the stone floor below me as I continue to speak.

' A new Piece of Eden was discovered, the reason that I'm here is that I'm apparently to be the new guardian of it. As for the rest of you, I am guessing that you're to help me on my new quest.'

The others stared at me, I start to get uncomfortable so I start to walk to the far side of the table, standing next to Altaïr and Malik as I look down at the map of Europe that was displayed.

'However, that is entirely up to you if you want to come. Besides Ezio, we're not from here. Taken here against our will for something that was not accounted for until now. If any of you feel uncomfortable with coming along, you may stay. However, I must leave soon, as the Piece of Eden is on the move.'

I remove the ankh from my neck and take it off the chain. I set the charm on the map, thinking that this could be a way to find it.

I saw something similar happen in a movie so what's stopping it from working in this situation?

For a moment, there was nothing. Fear of it not working started to overcome me but stops as I hear the sound of the ankh start to vibrate against the wooden table. I watched it carefully as it started to spin. It looked like it was being dragged across the table by an invisible hand as it moved all over the map.

Suddenly it stops. I look over it and see that the rounded part made a circle around a large city.

'That's where the main sanctuary is for the creed,' Altaïr states as he looks over my shoulder. Malik leans against the table with his one hand, almost placing his chin on my other shoulder.

A sense of personal space?

Ezio looks at the map and states,' That's quite a trip from here. Few weeks at least.'

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