Chapter 16~ A Man Ahead of His Time

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Reader's POV:

After an hour of searching the streets, I was able to find the place I was looking for. I was constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being followed or being watched before I knocked on the door.

The wooden door creaks open slightly before opening fully to reveal the owner of this hidden workshop. A young man with brown eyes peered at me curiously, while his dark blonde hair framed his face was held in place by his red beret. I take note of his hands that held the door in its place had dried paint of many colors scattered across the tips of his fingers.

He gives me a smile and says," Ah, buongiorno signoria. How may I assist you?"

There was no one to be seen on the streets around us, making a risky decision, I lower my hood to reveal my face, my hair in its now traditional rose braided hair bun.

I return the friendly smile, "My name is (Y/N). I'm a friend of Ezio's, signore Leonardo Da Vinci."

He tenses slightly but appears to have a moment of realization when he looks at my gloved hands that rested at my sides. He chuckles, making me lift an eyebrow in confusion. He opens the door the rest of the way and takes a step forward, pressing his right hand to the back of my right shoulder blade while his left hand clasped my left shoulder.

He starts leading me into the building as he speaks to me," Certo! Certo! He has told me so much about you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person!"

He releases my shoulders and closes the door behind us and places his right hand on my right shoulder once more, leading me further into his workshop. I couldn't help but marvel at the many pieces he had displayed everywhere. From sketches, small models, unfinished and finished inventions that dangled from the ceilings. All of them being lit by the countless arched windows that were high above us. There were also various shelves scattered around the rooms as well with books big and small, no doubt a few of them being books full of sketches and designs.

He leads me to one of the corners of the room that had a table that was cluttered with books, loose paper, and woodpiles from what I can assume an upcoming project.

" I realized it was you because of your gloves. Ezio told me that your hands were still too tender for climbing walls so much so I thought those would help. They're strong but thin enough to move around like a second layer of skin," he explains excitedly as he starts to clean the table to have a small spot to sit at. Before he sits, he drags a wooden chair out from one of the corners, which he also had to remove some papers from, and sets it on the chair on the other side of the table.

" Now, bella, what I can I do for you?' he asks

Sighing I sit in the chair opposite to him, dreading of what I had to say.

" I wish we could have met on better terms but Ezio and a few of our friends are in trouble," I say looking down at my lap for a moment but return my gaze to him to see the worry written across his face.

" What do you mean signoria?" he asks as he leans to be closer to the edge of the chair, setting his hands on the table, folded together.

" This morning I saw the main hideout, surrounded, hundreds of guards spread out at least two streets on all sides blocked off. Some of the guards even said that Cesare Borgia was to be claiming victory against them."

Leonardo looks down and rubs his eyes, a hand for each one as if he was trying to make sure this wasn't a dream.

" Are you sure that they are there?" he asks hesitantly.

"Sadly yes, I was told to go meet them there, they wanted to tell me something important before we left for a mission. We were supposed to be gone by now as a matter of fact," I say as I wipe my face with my hands in aggravation, rising to my feet as I couldn't stand to sit longer.

" Is that the reason you came to me? You need some help getting into there?" he asks. I hear him push his chair back and walk closer to me, making me turn around and give him a weak smile.

" Well, when you are a man considered to be ahead of his time. Who wouldn't come to you?"

He gives me a look of confusion and laughs it off.

" There is no need for such flattery signoria, just meeting you is pleasure enough. Is there anything in mind that you wish to do?"

I look around the room, trying to think of a way to do it. I look around the room, turning my gaze to the floor in frustration while raking my fingers through the loose strands of my hair away from my face.

As I was about to look up, something caught my eye. There were various piles of papers, mostly crumbled as discarded ideas and misdrawn of Leonardo's no doubt. One of the paper piles that was closest to us had a wrinkled one on top, possibly an idea that was attempted to be saved but discarded. I walked the short distance and picked up the paper.

The sketch was similar to the one of his glider that Ezio had used, same wing outline of a bat, being wood and similar fabric type as well by the looks of things. However, this one appeared to be more compact, the arm span of a normal human, a tail that reached the feet that were able to move direction by shifting the hips side to side. It had the ability to retract into a small size similar to a modern backpack with a pull of a string attached to the side of it.

" Signore Leonardo Da Vinci, have you ever thought of finishing this design?" I ask as I turned back to him with the design. He takes a few steps closer as I hand him the design, inspecting it before answering.

" I did, however, it's not finished yet. I was looking for this actually, It has some measurements that I hadn't had the chance to get before I changed it. I have all the materials for it, gears and all," he says as he hands the design back to me.

I stare at it for a moment but smile, I look back at him and chuckle.

" How would you feel about making us making a final product signore Leonardo Da Vinci?"

He looks at me in surprise but returns my grin.

" It would be my absolute pleasure signoria," he says excitedly, "I assume you know your way around with cogs and gears?"

I chuckle and say, "More than I normally lean on signore Leonardo Da Vinci, after all, I learned from the best," I hinted and gave a smirk.

Leonardo gave a laugh and didn't ask as to who I learned my skills from, which was from the classes I took in my time. We studied his notes for an extended amount of time and discussed how it was similar to technology in our time.

" Please," he says, "just call me Leo. There is no need for such formalities since we will be working together," reaching his hand out to me as if we were shaking on a deal.

I clasp his hand with my own.

" As long as you call me (Y/N), I think we have ourselves a deal."

He laughs but nods.

"Now," he says as we release each other's hands, "Let's begin, shall we?"

A/N: Happy New Years Eve ( if you're in America it is I guess)!  If it New Years already happened where you are, Happy New Years Day!

As an apology for putting the Christmas special on hold until next year, I thought publishing a chapter on this book would help! Leave a comment or vote of what you think of this story so far! If there is some information that is wrong about any of the characters let me know as well! Criticism is welcomed!

Until the next update my fellow readers!

Redlocks, out!

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