Chapter 20~ Wake up Call...

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A low ringing filled my ears as look around the pure black void around me, unable to stand up from the searing pain in my side. I look down to see my robes were missing, leaving me to lay on the floor in a white sleeveless tank top, my pants, and bare feet. I feel the ankh around my neck warm up but quickly ignore it as the pain on one side of my back increase. I turn slightly to look at it and see that blood was soaking through my top.

"Hello?" I whimper out, my voice echoing in the empty space. I take a shaky breath while holding my injured side in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding.


" Please! Is anyone there!?!" I yell out.


The ringing slowly starts to subside but to only to be replaced with the whispering of voices.

" She's been out for three days, any signs of her waking?'

" Where are we going to go, Evie?"

" This is your fault! You should've waited for her!"

"It's no one's fault!"

Wait, is it the others?

" Guys! Hello? Evie! Connor! Jacob! Malik! Guys, I'm here!" I yell out, praying they could hear me.

The whispering voices gradually get louder and louder. Louder to a point where I had to cover my own ears.

" Stop! Stop! Please Stop guys, I'm begging you!" I cry out.

Third POV:

For three days, (Y/N) laid unconscious in the captain's quarters. Her wound infected by the bloody dagger that was embedded in her side. Thanks to Connor's knowledge of cleaning wounds properly, she was able to be saved. She had to be laid on her stomach in order for the wound to heal without being bothered.

However, due to her blood loss, she has been weak, unable to wake. Her skin was much paler than normal, her lips almost colorless.

The boys and Evie had been taking turns in watching her conditions as they sailed to their destination through a storm that seemed endless. The strange calm waters and light rain is what made Edward concerned.

No normal storm at sea would be this calm with its waves and sprinkling rain. What was stranger was the amount of thunder and lightning? It was almost always constant. Striking in the air and avoiding the ship, one after another.

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