Chapter 6 ~ He Didn't Say Which One

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The man in the cloak-La Volpe- was the first to speak up after the sight of the bird that I 'possessed' came into view.

' That's the bird that was following the girl and me when we were coming here,' he exclaims.

'What would it be doing here of all places?' Claudia asks as she stands up, slowly walking towards the bird 'me.'

As Claudia draws nearer to my bird form, my thoughts turn to give me pain and the birds form starts to blink rapidly. My body that was sitting on the bed starts to breathe heavily, just the last time. It was as if I was coming up from a dive underwater. Ezio and La Volpe look back and forth from my gasping body and the twitching bird, trying to see what was happening to me. Even Claudia looked between my body and Ezio, possibly trying to see what was going on. With one last gasp, my body clenched the gold eyes shut, within seconds the bird does so as well.

A feeling of cold washes over me, as if I was being splashed by arctic water.

I lurch forward, not in the bird form but in my own body once more. I fall off the sofa and kneel on the floor, one hand hold myself up while the other held its place on my aching stomach as I try to keep what little I had eaten before.

Key word is try.

Claudia must have seen the sickly look on my face. Seconds before I felt like I was going to lose my stomach, she brings over a bucket and sets it underneath me. She gently grasps my right side as one of the men grips underneath my left arm that was holding my stomach.

Minerva above please do not let me puke!

I glance into the bucket, with what little water that stood at the bottom of it, I studied my reflection to get my mind off the sickening feeling in my stomach.

My face was as pale as a white sheet. As for my eyes, they were no longer gold, they were replaced with my (E/C) hued orbs once more and were wide as can be.

The others stand up and back away to give me room as I grasp the edge of the sofa to slowly stand up.

La Volpe was the first to speak up as everyone still looked at me concerned and confused.

'Are you alright bambina? What happened?'

After a moment of silence, I answer,' To be honest, if I told you what I saw you might see me as a mad woman,' I chuckle dryly.

'After what just happened to your eyes, we might think otherwise,' he states

I think for a moment.

Maybe I should at least attempt explaining.

Third Person POV:

Before a word could leave (Y/n)'s lips, pounding knocks were heard from the door. All their heads snap to face the door at the same time as another round of knocks came from the door. Ezio crept towards one of the windows that was next to the door. As he peers out, he curses in his mother tongue at what he sees. (Y/N), out of concern and some curiosity, crept to the window on the other side of the door to peer out as well.

'Shit,' she curses under her breath as well at what she saw outside. There were countless guards outside, surrounding the building with their swords drawn and archers with various types of bows knocked and aimed at the door.

Sitting on top of a dark chocolate horse, was no other than the Captain-General of the Papal Army, Cesare Borgia. His armor gleamed with his hidden pride and his blood red cape flowing with what little wind that was blowing outside. His short sword that shined with various gemstones on his right side, was waiting to be dipped in blood. In the blood of an Assassin no doubt.

Readers POV:

'Noi Lei ha circondato! Il Suo tempo è su assassino!' He yells at the door.

I look back to La Volpe, but he only presses his index finger to his lips to silence me from asking my question.

I silently step far from the window, away from the view of the men outside and go to the window that Ezio was standing close to. I grab the belt that held his shoulder plate in place and pull him to the other side of the room before he could react. I quickly grab my gloves off the bed and pull him to the next room as the others follow us.

Once we were in the next room, I release my grip from Ezio. I walk over to the open window that the bird, that I once possessed moments ago, flew through. I peer out the window and see that there were only two guards facing the opposite direction from the window.

I close the window silently and turn around to look at the others

'Is there any secret doors that you could use to leave silently?' I ask as I put my gloves back on.

Thier faces of shock looked at me silently as I notice a sheathed sword displayed on the cream wall. I walk over to it and take it off the wall with both hands, holding it as if it could crumble at any second.

Ezio was the first to speak up,' What do you mean by us bella? What are you planning to do?'

I turn to look at him with a smirk on my face.

This is one of the most idiotic ideas that I have ever thought of, worst than the one I had to do to help La Volpe.

Without looking up at him, I unsheathe the sword and inspect its appearance.

'Cesare Borgia is asking for an assasino,' I say as I turn the sword in my hands. The handle of black iron was covered with dust but was still black as night. It was slightly heavy, but not as heavy as I first expected for it to be. The silver blade was as long as my arm, complemented with a shoulder like metal that connected the blade to the handle. I place the sword back in its leather sheath as I turn to them.

As I tie the sheath to my (ND/H) hip, I look back up at them.

'So that is what he is going to get, he didn't say as to which one that he wanted,' I smirked.  

A/N: Sooooo I know that this is a short one, but I hope that you guys like it!  Please leave a comment or vote to tell me what you think! For all I know, this may not be the best plot so far. I would love to hear your opinions!

Until the next update for this book, 

Redlocks out! ;-)

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