Chapter 2~Why me?

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    I walk down the street with people bustling around me to get to the places they needed to be. I myself was rushing to my new destination, the Palazzo Vecchio. The tower starts to loom over me as I get closer to it. I was friends with one of the tour guides and they were able to give me a personal card to let myself tour the place however I please and where even most of the other tourists wouldn't be allowed to be.

I give a quick sigh of satisfaction and walk inside, the grandness of the building gave me a startle, as the pure awe swept over me. A young man that seemed to be in his teens walked up to me. He starts to speak to me in Italian and I give him a curious look and look down at the books that I was holding. Going through them I find the small journal that I had written simple statements in just in case of these kinds of situations. I flip through it and find the correct page and show it to him.

-'Non-parlor Italiano, le mie scuse'. With the sentence, 'I don't speak Italian, my apologies,'

written underneath it. He reads it and he appears to understand my situation. He nods to me and speaks again.

He must have seen my confusion and holds his hand out near my book. I hand it to him and he starts to look through the pages. Once he finds what he is looking for he hands the book back to me.

-'Come ti chiami?' What is your name?

I nod and say my name, "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." He seems startled with my answer and goes behind the desk to the left that I didn't notice when I came in, I follow him and stand in front of the desk. He pops up from behind it startling me, he gives me a quick smile and he hands me a yellow envelope. He simply says, "addio" and walks to another group of tourists that walked in.

I stand there for a moment before walking over to a chair on the other side of the room. I open the envelope and peer inside to see quite a few things. I pull out a neatly folded paper, what appears to be a pass and a small jewelry pouch that was the size of my palm.

I clip the pass onto my shirt and unfold the paper.

Dear Y/N,

Sorry I couldn't be there when you came over to see the Palazzo Vecchio. There was a family emergency and I had to leave for a few weeks. I left these things for you so you can do as you please and look around. You can even go up in the tower if you want! Anyway, I found out that your birthday was a while back and wanted to also thank you for when you helped me a few months back with my history exam. You saved me and I can't thank you enough for doing so! I hope this little token of appreciation is to your liking. Send me letters on when you're back in America and tell me how your trip was!

Your friend,


I smile at the letter and set it to the side. I pick the small jewelry pouch out of the envelope and examine it. It didn't appear to be something that held much, it was quite small. It was a (F/C) felt fabric and had drawstrings of gold. I open it and pour its contents into my hand.

A strange symbol as a charm on a long chain fell out, I gently toss the bag onto the seat next to me. I gently turn the surprisingly large, gold charm around in my hand and notice that it was an Assassins creed symbol with something in the center, the eye of Horus: the symbol of the new game Assassin's creed Origins. I give a small smile and place the gold-chained necklace on, the charm itself rested comfortably just above my breasts.

I have no clue as to where (F/N) found this but it's one of the best gifts that I have received. I sigh and look at the clock that was on the wall on the other side of the room. It was nearing noon and I didn't want to be here all day. I stand up, collect my things, and start my personal history tour.

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