Chapter 8 ~ Instincts Taking Over

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Third Person POV:

Ezio could see the thoughts of (Y/N)'s mind on her face, he had never seen a girl so in tune with her thoughts. Let alone one that dressed as an assassin before, if anything her clothes reminded him of his fathers own that he was wearing. She was only missing the shoulder guard, besides that, hers were almost identical to his.

(Y/N) darts away from Ezio's side to scour around the room as quickly as she could manage. Almost throwing things around and she looked on top and under things.

'che diavolo stai facendo bella?' Ezio asks. She looks to him with a look of annoyance but returns to her searching.

She finds a belt of throwing knives and holds them up for Ezio to inspect, as she returns to her search only to find nothing more of use. Noticing that she had no other weapons besides the sword on her hip, he has her stand up and have her back to him. Confused, tries to turn her head to see what he is doing to only have it pushed to face forward again by his hand. She stands there for a moment but then sees the belt go over her head and tied securely behind her so they stayed tight to her body over one shoulder.

She turns back around and says, 'I have no experience with these, why should I keep them?'

Ezio chuckles, he tries to respond but his answer was cut short when the crashing of the front door being broken down was heard. The sound of splintering wood was heard throughout the house, making the hair on (Y/N)'s neck stand up. Without hesitation, (Y/N) goes over to the window and opens it. Upon hearing the window open, the two guards standing outside it turn around to only find themselves falling onto the ground with a throwing knife for each in their throats.

Back at the window, (Y/N) stood motionless for a moment. Realizing that she had killed two people without hesitation as if it was her instinct to kill with swiftness.

Snap out of it, I can mourn the dead later. We need to get out of here fast!

Jumping out the window she kneels down next to the bodied to retrieve her knives. She looks at the bodies and sees that their eyes are still wide open, dull from the life that she had just taken from them. She takes a shaky breath and kneels in between them, using the tips of her thumb and middle fingers, she gently closes their eyes and says,

'Requiesce in pace.'

She retrieves their swords and places them on their chests with their limp hands holding them in place. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she tenses but calms herself once she sees its as Ezio's.

' For no experience, you have a good throw,' he whispers in her ear.

She responds,' Instinct mixed with luck I guess. Let's move.'

Silently they climbed the two-story building next to the sanctuary, grabbing what ledges and crevices they could to get to the top. (Y/N) had more difficulties in climbing than Ezio as to she had never scaled a building before, she did so to a tall oak tree when she was a kid but this was just out of her comfort zone.

Seeing that (Y/N) was falling behind he waited for her, keeping an eye out of the guards next door had taken into consideration that they were outside of the sanctuary. The guards and Cesare were oblivious to them as they were searching the empty sanctuary, tearing it apart from the inside out.

Once they reached the top, they peered down as they saw the guards exit the sanctuary with looks of anger and defeat plastered on their faces.

Readers POV:

'Where do you want to meet up if I survive this?' I chuckle as I stare at the men down below us.

I sense Ezio looking at me and I turn to him, A look of worry was in his eyes as he says,' You will be fine bella. I have trust that you will be fine.' He looks around and points in a direction.

' You see that tower, no?' I look to see where he was pointing and see that it was the tower of Palazzo Vecchio. I nod in response.

'We meet there by sunset, then we will go find the others,' I nod once more and take a drawn-out breath.

'Ready bella?' he asks

I turn to him and smirk, I grab the edge of my hood with both hands to flick it up in one swift movement. He chuckles and moves his hood to the top of his head as well.

I look down and grab a loose tile from the roof. I hold it up and I could see that Ezio was confused by my action, I smirk under my hood and grab one more.

I look to the group below and take note of two guards standing next to Caesar, who was still mounted on his horse. In a quick spin, I throw the tiles as if they were throwing knives. They hit their marks with the sound of them shattering against the heads of the guards, they fall down to the ground in confusion and pain from their heads as to what just happened. I hear Ezio chuckle quietly as the group looks up to see where the clay projectiles came from, they see us and physically tense.

To say I didn't feel like a real assassin right now would have been a lie, standing there with Ezio still felt like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from.

When Cesare turns his head, a moment of shock and confusion was shown but turned into a sneer as he made his horse turn around with it letting out a neigh of protest.

'Well, it seems like there is more than one assassino than I expected,' he yells up to us.

We said nothing in response, I however clenched my fists and kept my face vacant. In one swift movement, we darted away from each other. Ezio with a leap to the building to the right of him, while I took to the ones behind me. I hear Cesare cry out to his men in Italian and the sudden sound of footsteps from below me as I continue my run.

Here I go again.

-=Time Skip=-

You have got to be kidding me!

The guards continue to corner me in the small alleyway, swords drawn and arrows knocked.

I knew trying to lose them in the crowd might have been a bad idea. Did I listen to myself?


I slowly back away as they continue stepping towards me slowly. Once my back hits the wall, I realize now how it feels for a mouse to be trapped in a corner by a cat.

I draw my sword and prep myself for my first move. My mind becoming instinctive with my movements, almost like a computer waiting for instructions.

I dive to the left as an arrow narrowly misses my head, as I land in a crouch I hear the sound of a man's feet coming towards me. I lash my sword out and it hits home, cutting open the stomach of one of my opponents. As the dead man falls flat, I do a backflip onto my feet as another arrow was launched, this one managing to graze my leg. I hiss in pain but continue my rampage to protect myself.

By ones and twos, the rest of them fell dead to either my sword or my new skill of the use of throwing knives. Once left in the center of my chaos, I snap out of my trance and see what I had caused.

How in the hell did I get like this? I couldn't even use a regular paring knife to clean off a piece of apple skin without cutting myself!

As I recollect my thoughts, I sheath my blade and retrieve my thrown knives. Once I close the eyes of all the fallen soldiers, I look up and start to climb the wall of the ally back up the roofs.

Third Person POV:

As (Y/N) climbed the walls of the alleyway, she failed to notice peering eyes coming from a building across the street. The dark eyes kept sight of her as she reached the top, taking a breath and pulling the string of their crossbow into place, aiming its knocked arrow right at her head. As (Y/N) picked up speed and started to freerun, the peering eyes of death moving themselves to keep on target.

They release the arrow and it flies straight towards (Y/N).

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