4: "There is no such thing as too many s'mores."

Start from the beginning

Cyra laughed to herself at the thought of a small guppy Aqualad with a camouflage helmet and gun being shoved in his hand.

"Queen Mera is the headmistress of the Conservatory and wife to King Orin, Aquaman. It was a different time for me. It was difficult, as it would be for anyone at the age of fourteen I suppose, but also a time where I met friends that I know will be with me for a lifetime." Aqualad smiled lightly again before his face changed to one of shadows. "Then came a day—a horrible day when Poseidonis was attacked by the Ocean Master. I can remember it vividly, as if it only happened yesterday. It was the day Aquaman almost nearly met his end."

Cyra gasped fakely for the appeal before Kaldur continued with his superhero origin.

"Aquaman and the Ocean Master fought for what seemed like hours. When they clashed, it seemed to shake the very foundations of the city. Ocean Master had gained the upper hand and nearly defeated Aquaman—correction: he was defeated. Garth—a fellow student and friend—and I intervened on the King's behalf. It was the only thing we could think on doing. The danger had not occurred to us, the only thing that mattered was the kind was in trouble."

Kaldur and his friend, Garth, could be seen like a movie with Kaldur's heavy words. Then going to save their king and seeing no reason otherwise except that they believed enough in the throne to keep him safe. Two students and nothing more at that point jumping in against a powerful hero. Cyra could see herself doing the same thing for her mentor.

"It may have been one of the most foolish things Garth and I have ever done, as we nearly met our own end. We had no hope of defeating him, but the time we spent engaged in battle gave our king enough time to recover and Aquaman triumphed over Ocean Master that day. He was able to drive him away from the city—saving us all."

The blonde clapped.

"Aquaman is a being of two worlds. On the surface world, he fights for the justice of all beings. Under the sea, he is a leader to many. Both carry the weight of responsibilities—overwhelming responsibilities. Only the best can carry such burdens for so long. Even Aquaman cannot do both forever. Realizing on the surface world that both Batman and Green Arrow have taken on apprentices that could one day take over their respective mantels, King Orin had been contemplating the same idea.

"With this in mind, he approached both Garth and myself with the possibilities of becoming his protégés. I must admit the offer intrigued me immediately. I had never been to the surface world and I am the first to admit I am a bit of an adventurer. Many times a day in class I would dream of visiting distant oceans and even one day—the surface world. Both Garth and I seriously considered the King's offer.

"Garth ultimately choose to continue his studies with Queen Mera at the Conservatory of Sorcery. For me however, the chance to visit the surface world was a dream come true. So at the age of fourteen, I became Aqualad!" Aqualad declared with new vigoration before adding on with a low note in his voice, "I miss my friends. Garth. Tula . . . but the chance of working with my mentor and king was an opportunity I could not surpass. I like to think the work I am doing makes a difference.

"The rest of the story you know. Aquaman brought Aqualad to the surface world . . . and now I am here with you," Kaldur finished up.

"Wow, so you wanted to be Aqualad?" M'gann asked.

"Yes. The opportunity arose and I could think of no other path."

"Does that mean your going to take Aquaman's place as a king when he dies?" Cyra asked excitedly before realizing what she said. "I mean—if he dies?"

Kaldur laughed. "No, that position is for the heir when they are born. But me becoming Aquaman?" Kaldur looked as if he was watching over a far distance. "Is a discussion for another time."

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