Chapter Ninety Three

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Walden Macnair collected me at dawn the next morning. We hadn't even left and I was already drained by lack of sleep. As one would expect, it can be quite hard to have a good sleep the night before you go kill a town of innocent people. I pulled on clothes Camille left for me. Thick black jeans and a woolen grey, high roll neck accompanied by a long black cape. Her visit had been too brief for me to question if she had been the one to give Draco and mine's relationship out to the Dark Lord. After all, it was only owing to that knowledge he was able to get me to do this. That or if he had imperiused me.

I followed Macnair through the Manor and to the front gates. It was too early in the morning for much sun so it was still dark outside. I recognised the tall and muscular man who I was accompanying, he had been an Executioner for the Ministry of Magic in the recent years. As we walked, he didn't say much, in fact he seemed burdened I was to attend with him. His form eventually stopped at the gates before it descended into a long cobblestone driveway. He held out an arm, as if waiting for an owl to come land on it. I approached hesitantly, not entirely sure what he expected me to do.

"Never done side-along apparition, 'eh?" He said with a raised brow.

"Oh," I sounded in revelation. "I have," I said.

"Well hurry on up then," he urged and I clasped my hands around his bicep.

We swirled through the air as time anchored my body and swung me to my destination. In seconds I found myself standing at the top of a large cliff face, wind battering against my face wildly.

"We'll be working with the giants today," Macnair shouted to me over the wind. Why couldn't he explain the plan before we came here?

"Giants? Will they cooperate with us?" I asked, shivers starting to take over me.

"Yes, they're on our side." He said as he looked out to the towns well below us.

On our side.

I felt like a walking sin. I wanted so bad to be good, to work alongside the Order and do the right thing. But here I was, shoulder to shoulder with a Death Eater and being included on 'their side.' My stomach dropped at the scenario.

"Giants," Macnair continued, "are valuable assets. Their dangerously violent nature makes them capable of some wonderful catastrophes." He smiled at the mention of violence and I looked at him with a scrunched nose. He then turned and gestured for me to do the same, only when I did my jaw nearly fell to the floor.

Only a couple of yards away was a gathering of giants. All massive, exceeding twenty five feet tall and standing agitatedly. They varied slightly in size, some with gargantuan bellies and others skinny, but covered in hair. I wanted to shrink away behind Macnair as the sight was terrifying, amazing, but terrifying. I'd never seen a giant before and suddenly I wished I had paid more attention in History when Binn's was harping on about Giant Wars.

Macnair grinned ear to ear and stepped forward, arms wide and all encompassing.

"The time is now, my friends!" He cheered and some of the giants roared. "Feast!" He shouted, and the ground started to quake from their stampeding. They descended the hill and rounded around the towns, ready to annihilate everything in their path.

My eyes were wide as I watched in horror, the first giant bring his fist down on a building. "Won't this expose our world to the Muggles when they hear about an attack by giants?" I asked. Maybe I could psych Macnair out of this?

"What giants?" Macnair smirked and then looked down at me. "I believe a hurricane hit the area."

"What about any survivors? They'll say it wasn't a hurricane and that giants raided them!"

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