Chapter Seventeen

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"No. Thanks..." Harry said sternly, only glancing at her for a second. before looking down to her name tag "...Alexis." 

"Ok, well, let me know if you do." She smiled brightly at him before shooting daggers at me. It was a funny thing to see if I'm honest, seeing as I am not actually with Harry.

Not a moment passed before we dug into our food. I devoured the fries almost immediately.

"So, do you like to read?" Harry asked as I took a sip of my water that Harry had ordered - I probably hadn't heard him ask.

"Yes, I do. I read quite a lot." I smiled. "Would you rather be rich and famous or just happy and healthy?" I asked.

Harry thought about it for a minute before speaking, "Money doesn't mean anything, it's not necessarily important. Sure, it would be nice if I could be financially covered and secured for the rest of my life and not have to worry, but I guess that's the whole point of working and trying to be successful, it's making a living, you know? But my dad has that covered for me, I guess." He sighed before continuing. "And fame, no, but I guess it would maybe be nice to be known for doing something, like, I guess I would just be afraid of everyone hating every single thing I do, every single decision I made would be seen by millions, and I wouldn't want people to talk about me as if like "yeah, he's famous." I wouldn't want that sort of title, I hate it. Being happy and healthy, is important, however, so I guess I'd have to go with that." He smiled slightly. Although I don't think I could ever be happy." He muttered under his breath, and I was certain that he did not want me to hear the comment so I sighed and just let it go for now.

"That was a good answer, well thought out too." I admired how he thought about what he was going to say. Harry is so... intellectual.

"Next question..." He hummed before bringing a hand up to his chin and stroking it as if he was thinking. I giggled quietly. "What is your biggest fear?"

"My biggest fear?" I asked, looking up to meet Harry's eyes. His gaze locked on mine and my breath hitched in my throat. His eyes are so beautiful. I thought to myself. I quickly mentally slapped myself before snapping back to reality. I didn't trust Harry enough to tell him my biggest fear, so I lied to him and told him something that most people are afraid of. "My biggest fear is that eventually, the person I end up being in love with will see me the way that I see myself." I sighed. After thinking about it, it is actually true, I mean, it's one of my biggest fears.

Harry nodded with understandment.

"What about you? What's your biggest fear?" I asked. I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask him, seeing as he gave me a good answer before.

"My biggest fear is sitting on a toilet only to feel a hand come up the drain and tickle my anus." He said with a straight face. I tried to supress my giggling, but ended up bursting into loud laughter, Harry joined in too. I tried to contain myself, before looking over to Harry, seeing him double over with laughter, then leaning back, with his eyes screwed shut, laughing. I couldn't help but smile, then laugh again. His laugh was contagious.

Half an hour later, when we were done with our food and our many fits of laughter and questions, we left the diner and made our way to Harry's car.

We slid into each side of the car. Harry started the engine before smiling at me then pulling out of the parking lot, then driving down the long road.

The drive back to my apartment was longer than expected, as there was a great amount of traffic. Harry pulled up to my apartment before getting out and jogging to the passenger's side and opening the door for me so I could step out. I lifted my bag over my shoulder before staring up to Harry. I leaned in to kiss him, and he leaned in too, but we were interrupted by a beeping noise coming from my bag. I sighed with frustration before thanking Harry, with a small smile on my face then walking to the apartment building entrance. I looked back to Harry to see that he was leaning against the car, looking at me. His eyes locked on mine as he watched me. He smirked before walking to the driver's seat and sliding into the car. He gave me a small wave before starting the engine and driving away.

I quickly jogged up the staricase before knocking on the front door. Moments later, my dad swung the door open, with a stern look on his face. I rolled my eyes before walking inside.

"How was your night?" He asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Did he hurt you in any way?"

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. "Dad, just because you have some sort of grudge against Harry, doesn't mean he's actually a bad person. It just means you know how to misjudge someone without getting to know them first." I spat, before apologising for my rudeness.

My dad nodded before sighing. "If only you knew." he muttered under his breath. I snorted at his ignorance, yet again, before pouring myself a glass of water and drinking it quickly.

I decided not to comment on what he said so I put the glass in the sink as I told him that I would be going to my room because it was getting late.

I jogged lightly up the stairs before collapsing onto the bed, then taking my shoes off.

I thought about tonights events, and I must admit that overall, it was a really nice night. I enjoyed quite a lot, I haven't laughed that much in a long time. I thought about kissing Harry the first time tonight when I missed the target. My mind then went onto thinking about our almost kiss before we were interrupted by my phone.

Which reminds me, I've had a text from someone. I fumbled with my bag before searching inside it for my phone. Moments later, I pulled the object out before unlocking it.

1 unread message

Unknown Number

"I'm only trying to look out for you. If only you would listen. Be careful." It read.

I groaned before locking my phone then placing it on my nightstand. I sat upright, running a hand through my hair then pulling it with frustration. I can't believe I'm getting these texts again. I thought to myself.

I sighed with frustration as I got up to commence with my nightly routine of taking my make up off, brushing my teeth and hair, before once again collapsing on the bed.

After a half hour of endless thoughts spiraling and consuming my mind, I eventually drifted off into sweet slumber.

A/N: FINALLY! After countless days, even weeks of the worst case of writer's block and basically me not having a lot of spare time, we finally have an update. I'm so sorry it took so long, yet again, it was meant to be up a couple of nights ago but it all got deleted. But here we are. It would mean a lot if you could leave some feedback, I would appreciate it as I am losing the motivation to keep writing.

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