Chapter 41

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"This place is definitely more ostentatious than most of the places I've been in on this planet" Jake muttered as he, Carris and Reas stepped through the double door of the Blue Jewell tavern.

There was no denying that the place was upscale. Located in a good sized two-story stone building near the ramp that connected the Lord's Hill to the rest of the city, no expense had been spared to appeal to its elite clientele.

The walls were made from polished granite and colorful silk tapestries adorned the fine mahogany support beams.

Polished silver tankards hung on hooks above the large circular bar located in the center of the tavern's ground floor atrium which was overlooked by tables located on balconies on the floor above. A large crowd stood around the central bar while attractive young barmaids served the outer tables on the upper and lower floors.

Jake was a little apprehensive about coming here. Its proximity to the hill meant that senior academy students often came here on there off time and if the lord's little prick of a son came in and recognized him the jig would be up. Still, it was too late to back out now.

"Let's get a table on the upper floor" Carris said gesturing to a wooden spiral staircase on the far side of the building. "I would prefer to stay out of the crowd around the bar"

Nodding Jake fell into step behind the head archivist as the three of them ascended the stairs and he took a seat opposite of the two men at a balcony table overlooking the floor below.

"Your usual archivist Carris?" a young brown-haired barmaid asked as she walked up to the table. Jake looked the girl over and couldn't help but be reminded of an older version of Freya. A wave of sadness came over him as he thought of her and wondered if she was safe with Blas and Priya right now.

"Yes, dark ale if you would be so kind Sinda" Carris said eagerly.

"Meade for me" Reas added before she could ask.

"And for you sir apprentice?" she asked.

Jake broke away from his thoughts as the barmaid looked at him inquiringly.

"Just hot milk" he said quickly.

The barmaid raised an eyebrow in puzzlement but shrugged before stepping away from their table and heading down the stairs.

"You don't partake in drink?" Carris asked surprised.

"No, me and alcohol don't have a good history with each other" Jake replied evasively, trying to concentrate on something other than the archivists in front of him.

"Drink is not for everyone" Reas said nodding in understanding. "It leaves real scars on some people"

"Well, if you're going to insist on being a prude, at least me and Reas can enjoy each other's company tonight!" Carris said jovially as the barmaid Sinda returned with three large mugs.

"Thank you" Jake said politely as she set the mug down in front of him. She smiled at him before heading off to wait on another table.

"Well someone's a hit with the ladies, despite being a prude, do you partake in them at least?" Carris asked playfully as he picked up his own mug and took a deep swig.

"When I can, there just hasn't been time recently" Jake said, it was true after all, just not for the reasons Carris believed.

"Ah, you're as boring as Blas was when he was younger" Reas said speaking up for the first time.

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