Chapter 20

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"Ah, look whose back!" Blas exclaimed as Jake walked in.

"You know you don't owe me nothing" Jake said, smiling as he saw the innkeeper standing in front of a small cake. Priya was at his side holding Freya who squirmed in the bargirl's arms trying to reach Jake as he approached.

Taking the little girl into his arms he sat her down at one of the tables, carved off a slice of cake and put it in front of her.

"I wouldn't say that lad" Blas replied as they took their own seats. "You've been bringing me plenty of good pelts for years and they've all turned a tidy profit, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that you're one of my best customers."

"Now you're just blowing smoke up my ass" Jake said.

"Hey, you two watch ya language in front o the girl" Priya put in tartly. Freya however hadn't seemed to have noticed the conversation as she continued to devour her slice of cake.

"Hey, now that would ruin my master plan of having her be able to swear like a sailor before she turns ten!" he quipped.

"So, you decided where you're headed yet lad" Blas said his expression turning more serious. "Thought about contacting my brother?"

"I've got a rough plan worked out" Jake replied trying to remain vague. If Blas was asked in the future, he didn't want to put the old man in a position where he had to lie. "I might look your brother up if I'm down that way though."

Blas let out a sigh. "I hope you do lad, a good man like you could use some time in a civilized environment, not always having to struggle to survive all lonely out in the wild"

Jake let out a sly grin. "I'm not lonely, I'm alone"

"What's the difference?" Blas asked furrowing his brow.

"Well, one is an unfortunate state of affairs and the other is a lifestyle choice" he replied.

The innkeeper let out a laugh. "You have got me there lad, some people are indeed alone by choice"

"I'm going to miss you lad, that I am" he continued now looking positively somber.

Jake tried to look reassuring as he patted Freya's head. "Hey, I'll return when this thing blows over, you know I couldn't leave you an Freya in the lurch forever right?"

Suddenly the door banged open. Jake looked up, and felt his heart thud. "Oh, for fuck's sake"

Three young men, actually they didn't look much older than teenagers, stood in the doorway. Their fine studded leather armor and dragon sigils told him all he needed to know. These were the Dragon Knights. He had initially been somewhat surprised at the lack of metal plate armor in this world, but he supposed parallel world didn't mean parallel development. Plus, he reasoned, ancient china had never used steel plate armor and they had been a highly advanced civilization.

"I guess I should at least be glad they sent the JV team" he thought, loosening the strap on his knife as he sized them up. They were all young, relatively speaking, and carried longswords at their belts. Their exaggerated swagger would have seemed like a comical attempt to impose their authority, if the sheer arrogance of it didn't raise his ire on principle. He knew his hatred was irrational but he didn't bother to temper it. They were the embodiment of that cocky asshole who killed his parents then bought his way out of trouble, not to mention everything that he hated about this world. Only it was worse, they didn't even bother with the pretense of humility here. He could see it in both their pose and their eyes, they were insulted by having to come into a dive like this.

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