Chapter 40

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The next few days were a brutal reminder of why Jake had never wanted a desk job, ever. Between the endless tasks of organizing scrolls and tomes, carrying materials for the senior archivists, and studying the historical material necessary for an archivist of Balistrea, he was positive that he was going to die of boredom before any of the Vestarii could catch up with him.

Though he had to admit the study of Balistrea's history had been fascinating. Even if a lot of it was devoted solely to blowing smoke up the asses of both Rindar and his predecessors, it did give him more insight into the country and its conflicts than he'd previously had.

He just hoped that the twins didn't get too restless while he was away. He had the bond to help monitor them but making them behave while so far away wouldn't be easy. He wasn't too worried though, Valkyrie would make Ragnarok behave if nothing else.

"Still not getting any closer to those fragments" Jake reminded himself for the umpteenth time as he carried a large stack of tomes into the main library. He hadn't expected to be informed about a national secret in his first week, but by now he knew that they weren't kept in the archivist's headquarters, which meant that it had to be either in the academy or the palace. But those places were vast, heavily guarded and even if he got inside he still had no idea where they were stored. He couldn't just go poking around in those places aimlessly either, he had no illusions about the horrific consequences if he was caught.

His first priority was to get Wyena out, but if possible, he wanted to get his hands on the fragments as well.

"Guess all I can do for now is keep probing and hope that an opportunity presents itself" he huffed as he began to reshelf the tomes in his hands.

Letting out an audible sigh Jake began to make his way back towards his quarters, hoping to sneak in a quick brake before a senior archivist gave him yet another menial task to accomplish.

He stopped dead as he heard a pair of hushed voices that he recognized as belonging to a couple of elderly senior archivists. They were in a small side passage just off to the side of the main corridor, obviously trying not to be disturbed.

"The lord wants the damn chronicle moved again! This time from the academy to his palace." One of the old men said quietly.

"This makes it what, the third time it's been moved in as many months? Both places are equally secure, I see no reason for this other than just to test our order's patience" the other replied the irritation evident in his voice.

Moving carefully Jake flattened himself against the wall and edged towards the side passage where the pair were speaking. As he neared the edge of the passage he stopped, held his breath and listened intently for the two men to continue their conversation. His heart leaped as one of the archivists continued to speak.

"Apparently, he and his latest mistress are throwing some kind of exclusive party for the high noble families, he wants to display it for them."

"Why?" his compatriot asked in confusion. "Has there been some breakthrough that I am unaware of?"

"Who knows, maybe he just wants to brag that he has it. We certainly haven't made any significant progress in cracking its secrets." The original man said so casually that Jake could picture him shrugging without actually seeing him.

"Well whatever, that's head archivist Carris' job to deal with in any case." The other man responded disinterestedly. "I wonder who'll they'll get to assist him, most of the apprentices I know dread those party details, too many highborn, unappreciative nobles looking down their noses on our critical endeavors. I hear that one of Rindar's flunkies will be here shortly to sort out the details."

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