Chapter 31

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Despite spending over an hour searching, Jake was unable to find a proper cave for the night. Instead, he landed the group near the base of one of the taller mountains and took shelter in a copse of trees. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was still better than spending the night out in plain sight.

As soon as they were settled he once again began the never-ending task of gathering kindling. As he set the wood into a pile and set rocks around them Valkyrie made to light the fire, but he reached through the link to stop her. He had no intention of killing Wyena and he wanted to keep a few things under wraps in case things went to shit later. She may have been a decent person as the goddess had said, but he had no doubt that she was a loyal soldier and would report everything that happened since he captured her to her superiors.

"That is if they haven't already discovered her secret" he thought ruefully. It had previously occurred to him that if she had been discovered because of his actions she may wind up facing severe punishment, possibly even death for her own deceptions. He put the problem aside for the moment. He had way too many things to deal with already and if he started stressing out about all the hypotheticals, he'd die of a heart attack before any of the powers that be could get to him.

Pulling his old magnesium Fire starter and can of aluminum powder out of his pack, he added some to the kindling and struck a flint. Moments later a fire was crackling merrily in his makeshift pit.

"So" she said looking up at him as he took a seat across the fire from her. "Are you willing to answer some of my questions now?"

Jake did his best to avoid letting out a tired sigh. He didn't really want to do a Q and A session right now. In truth he didn't even need to answer her questions at all, if he'd wanted to he could've forced answers out of her, but that wasn't who he was. Besides, he had given his word and she had yet to go back on hers.

"Ok, but I'll go first." He said figuring that he might as well get it over with.

"Very well then" she replied. "What is your first question?"

"I want to know about these Vestarii raids, I have some knowledge about who they are, but I want to know what they told you about them and their other operations in Balistrea's new territories." He said.

She shook her head in response. "I was told that they were on a reconnaissance mission when you butchered them. If they have been raiding villages in the border territories they certainly didn't tell me. They're a shadowy organization at the best of times."

"And at the worst of times?"

"Hope that you never find out" she said grimly. "It's the kind of thing they use to keep children in line"

"You also said "if" they were, still haven't taken my word for it then?" he said irritably.

She held her gaze on him as she shook her head. "I can't just accept your word for it, even if the scene at the village was unusual for a dragon attack. You are still a commoner and a confessed criminal who has freely admitted to breaking the laws of Dragon Lord Rindar. You are also my captor, I would not expect trust if I was in your position."

Jake shrugged. It was a fair enough point, especially if her superiors had lied to her about her mission. Despite that, he didn't find it any less irritating to know something for a fact and have people refuse to believe it. "And I can accept your word of honor that what you say is true as you are confirmed lawbreaker yourself?" he asked

Wild Rider (Dragon Castaway Book 1) [Complete] {2018 Wattys Longlist}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora