Chapter 24

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Wyena stared blankly at the tall mug in front of her, trying to process what had happened in the last few hours. To say that she was in utter shock would have been a giant understatement.

Taking a swig of the bitter drink, she grimaced and looked around. For a place like Vuhirvo's Gate the Snarling Wolf was considered an upper-class establishment. Not on par with anything she had been used to, but it was still clean and suited to their purposes.

"So" she said quietly looking back to her companions seated around the table. They all looked just as shocked and worn out as she did though some hid it better than others. "Anyone want to try to make sense of what just happened?"

"What happened was we just got our asses kicked hard" Ramor said nursing a bruise from the woodsman had hit him with a spear shaft. "I would've thought that was obvious."

"No one could've foreseen what would happen, especially under the circumstances" Jadiak replied.

Wyena conceded his point. It had completely blindsided her too. One moment they were disciplining an upstart woodsman the next they were getting charged at by the biggest dragon she had ever seen.

"Be that as it may" she said "we still need to decide what to do next."

Ramor looked at her as though she'd gone mad. "Are you crazy? We need help. He beat us easily and Aristos is dead. Why are we even delaying the report back to the capital?"

"Because" Elgenon said, speaking up for the first time since they had confronted the man. "Have you ever seen dragons that were as large or magnificent as those? If my father learns of their existence before I can claim them by right then he'll demand them for himself."

Ramor looked at him as if he'd gone mad. "Are you insane? Did you not hear a word I said? We just got our asses handed to us with ease, besides from what I've seen those two already have a rider."

Elgenon's face darkened. "A peasant can't be a rider, that goes against all laws and propriety!"

"I don't think he gives a shit" Ramor retorted.

Wyena's own thoughts turned inward as the two continued to bicker. A member of her squad was dead and it pained her, but that was the risk of being a Dragon Knight. She also conceded that both Ramor and Elgenon had good points to be considered. They were in way over their heads with this new chase, but if they could pull it off they would be the most celebrated cadets the academy had ever seen.

The thought was tantalizing but tempered by the memories of the fight and the dragons. He had gone easy on them, it was painfully obvious. She had also never seen dragons that were so impressive. With scales that shone like polished silver and obsidian, and so large that they even put Rindar's personal mount Sun Crusher to shame.

She didn't share Elgenon's optimism that they could kill the rider and seize the dragons. But she also didn't want to go running for help after just one defeat, they would be laughingstocks, especially if they came back with a story few would believe.

"So, what, you think you're just going to be able to take down those massive dragons? I'd love to hear how." Ramor said angrily as Wyena's attention turned back to the present.

"No, you dumb up jumped merchant, all we need to do is take out the rider, then we go in to tame them." Elgenon retorted.

"Who's the dumb one? You don't remember how hard it was to tame your own when it was chained down? How do you plan on taming ones that have full use of their bodies and a rider already?" Ramor snapped back.

Wild Rider (Dragon Castaway Book 1) [Complete] {2018 Wattys Longlist}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora