Chapter 10

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"Shit, where's the Dramamine when you need it most?" Jake said to himself as he allowed the twins to lead him out of the cave and into the sun. It had been six months since they had taken their first flight and finally the excitement that had clawed at him through the link would no longer be satisfied.

He knew they were ready and they knew that he was as well. Today would finally be the day that they would fly together. Jake's own excitement was at a fever pitch. He had flown in airplanes before, but this was different, this would be something personal, almost intimate and he already knew that he would never forget it, ever.

He hadn't even taken off yet and he could already feel the rush of the air and the openness of the sky, he wasn't sure if those feelings belonged to himself or the twins, but it didn't matter.

Even after all this time they still took his breath away. The twins looked magnificent in the morning sun, their scales had developed a shine making them look like fine silver and polished obsidian.

Their growth hadn't slowed much either. Ragnarok had to be at least eighteen feet long and eight feet at the shoulder and Valkyrie wasn't much smaller measuring sixteen feet long and seven at the shoulder.

As they entered the clearing in front of the cave both dragons turned to look at him. A moment later Jake was swamped by both conflicting desires through the link and audible chirps.

"Ok, ok, don't you two fight over me, you'll both get equal time" Jake said trying to center himself as the emotions ebbed.

Looking between the two he made his final decision and turned to Valkyrie. "Hope you don't mind if Ragnarok goes first, Val. I think you have much better ability to be stoic about going second." He said rubbing her head. She chirped her disappointment but he smiled at her and felt the emotion vanish instantly.

Turning back to face Ragnarok he felt another rush of excitement as the dragon let out an exhilarated screech and lowered himself to the ground.

Walking over Jake put his hands on the shining black scales and pulled himself onto the dragon's back. At first it felt like he'd wedged his ass onto an armored vehicle but after a few moments of shifting around he located a sweet spot between two humps where the neck and body met.

"Alright Rag, do your worst" he said projecting an air or readiness down the link.

Jake's eyes slammed shut, his entire body jerking violently as Ragnarok spread his wings and launched himself into the air. Despite the initial jolt he felt the sensation quickly fading away as his mount leveled off.

Opening his eyes, he felt his heart sing. Arrayed beneath him were the vast forests and mountains that he had called home for the last year.

Over the rushing of the wind he heard a wild call behind him. Looking back, he grinned as he saw Valkyrie flanking them as if they were in a fighter formation. The thought amused Jake as he wondered if they had been able to pull images as well as emotions out of his mind.

Reaching out he was surprised to find that the connection in the link seemed to have strengthened significantly since they had gone airborne. They still couldn't talk to each other, but now, it was almost as if he could direct the dragons by willing them where he wanted to go.

"Might as well test the theory" he thought closing his eyes. Projecting down the link he willed the dragons to come lower and pass between the peaks on his left. No sooner had he thought it Ragnarok twisted in midair and banked hard to his left with Valkyrie hot on his tail. Jake let out a whoop of glee as the peaks screamed by.

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