Chapter 35

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Wyena felt a sharp sense of dread shoot down her spine as the high walls of Dragon Spire came into view and the gravity of the situation finally started to sink in. She had been captured and now she not only had to face that humiliation but also inform the academy and Rindar about someone that she had come to respect.

"I don't have to tell them where he went though" she thought firmly. She'd give her report, but she would sooner fall on her sword then rat him out. At least until she could find out more about what was going on. She had seen enough in the last few days to know that something they hadn't told her about was going on, and it reeked of dishonor, especially where the Vestarii were concerned.

The gate guards eyed her armor with puzzlement as she approached, obviously wondering why a Dragon Knight was coming into the city on foot. They waved her through without question however and she walked right past them. Entering the city she stepped onto the main boulevard and headed straight for the Lord's Hill at a brisk pace.

She sighed, trying to stay focused as she made her way through the crowded streets. It was difficult though. Despite her best efforts her thoughts kept drifting to the events of the last few days.

She still had trouble comprehending the scale of it. In just a few days she'd been captured by a wild dragon rider, witnessed a legendary bond that every archivist in the academy would've given his right arm to study, and stumbled her way into a potentially earthshattering conspiracy involving Rindar's own personal guard.

"Still, I can't be too hasty" she thought warily as she began to trudge up the giant ramp that connected the Lord's Hill with the rest of the city. She had to play this carefully, if she was wrong then she was effectively accusing a high-ranking Praetorian of treason, not to mention aiding a fugitive. Considering that fact, she reasoned that her best course of action was to give the commandant her report and let him handle the situation as he saw fit. He would have far more clout to deal with it than her.

As she approached the entrance to the academy a pair of guards stepped into her path.

"Halt" one of the men said holding his spear at attention while eyeing the armor that she still wore. "Who are you and what's your business here?"

"Cadet Ceago Dieron" she stated. "I need to see the commandant as soon as possible."

The guard's eyes widened and he quickly gestured to a passing stable hand to take the message to the commandant. A few minutes later the man came running back and whispered something into the guard's ear.

His eyes went, if possible, even wider.

"You may proceed" he said as he stepped aside and quickly waved her through. "Commandant Lenian requests that you report to his office immediately."

"Thank you" she replied passing through the gate. A wave of nostalgia washed over her as she set foot on the receiving grounds. It had seemed so long ago when she had first entered the academy, yet the place still looked exactly the same as it had back then.

Brushing the off thought, she entered the building and began to make her way through the winding corridors towards the commandant's office.

"Ceago? Is that you?" a familiar voice called out. Turning, she smiled as she spotted Ramor and Jadiak quickly making their way over to her from a nearby corridor.

"Shit, it is you, how did you escape?" Ramor asked skidding to a halt in front of her. "You'll be glad to know that we managed to get Whirlwind back here safe."

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