Sneak Peek

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A fic based off of my toon cast photo. Some parts of this fic are going to be like the anime and some parts aren't. The characters I plan to use for this will be different ages and behave differently. Here's a sneak peek of what I got so far and if you want me to continue comment or like.

Darkness and silence, that was all I saw, all I heard, all I knew. For as long as I could remember I had always been kept in a dark and quiet place far from the eyes of others. Because I am a monster and I would destroy anything or anyone I touch. For reasons I never knew I carried a deadly poison inside of me that would melt or burn anything.  Just a simple tap from my finger or a mere brush of agaisnt my skin would be enough to end someone's life or at least cause great arm. So it was only natural that I be shut away from the world and locked up, alone in dark.

However I believe that there was a time in my life when I knew something better than that. A time when I knew light of the sun, the breeze of the wind, and a gentle voice of someone who holds me and I don't destroy them. But Father said that it was nothing more than a dream, a childish fantasy that will never be real.

We lived in a very big, victorian style mansion filled with many rooms so I could explore and find ways to occupy myself. But I still felt the desire to feel the outside world. I came close once,  I was twelve and I had almost left the safety of my house. I can't remember everything about that day all I remember is Father catching me when it happened and he told me that I can never ever leave because I'm a monster.

I'm older now and I haven't seen Father in years. He just left one day and never came back. I expected that he would be the last person I ever see and that I would spend the rest of my life in silent darkness. But I was wrong.


In the outside world there had been many rumors about the mansion but the most popular was the one about it being a safe place for the most beautiful jewel in the world. Queen Pacifica of Great Britain had heard of this jewel and wanted to add it to the royal crown jewels but there was also a rumor that the mansion was inhabited by a monster. No one had ever dared to enter that mansion to find out which was inside until finally Queen Pacifica order the royal army to go there and investigate.

"Now remember gentlemen." General Jorgen Von Strangle said. "Be on your guard because we don't know who or what could be in here."

The soldiers had their guns ready and they quietly sneaked into the mansion. Carefully checking each room for any sign of a dangerous monster or a rare jewel. They found nothing until they came up the last room. It was a bedroom, they heard the sound of breathing on the other side. Convinced it was a monster they had their guns ready and carefully opened the door.

At first all they saw was darkness and dust floating around. Then moonlight from a window shined in revealing a figure sleeping in a chair but it was no hideous and feral looking monster. It was a young woman, a very beautiful and doll - like woman with a petite body and blue hair that came down to her back.  She was dressed in a white gown asscorized with a jabot, lined with ribbon along with brown leather straps, long sleeves, and a ruffled cream skirt with the inside of it being an ombre of blue and sea green. She wore brown gloves on her hands,  knee high black boots with gold engraved on her feet, and a gold headband in her blue hair. At the sound the floor creaking made by their footsteps the woman opened her eyes which were a calm, deep blue.

"Why are you people here?" She asked in a whisper.

"Oh no! You're telling me that this is a monster?" One solider said walking toward her. "This is just a little girl."

"Stop! You fool! Get back here!" The General Von Strangle demanded.

But the solider ignored his orders and continued to get closer to her.

Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth Toon StyleWhere stories live. Discover now