"That's very mature of you, kid. Our soldiers could learn a thing or two from you."

Jungkook sat in the other chair, wondering if she just came to talk or if she actually had something to say.

"Today we will be assigning you a role. I came to suggest you go do something while I discuss it with my upperclassmen. We have a gym if you're interested."

Jungkook's head shot up at these words. He knew he needed to get stronger if he wanted to fight well when the climax of the war came.

"Yes, where is this gym?"

"I'll show you. Remember not to overwork yourself," she added.

Jungkook nodded to show he'd heard, slightly wary of the fact that she almost read his mind. He quickly brushed it off, deciding to ignore her eyes burning into him, wise and insightful, again trying to read his body language. He was determined not to let her. Only one person in the world was allowed to know his emotions. Only one person. He snapped out of his thoughts when Min Ji stood, signaling him to follow.

"Let's go," She commanded.

He followed her down a curved hallway until he found a large section of the wall was made of glass. Inside, the floor was dark tile, the room filled with various exercise equipment, brightly lit with unnatural light and without anyone inside.

"Since this military base became so busy, not many of our soldiers have had the time nor the energy to use this place much. Occasionally, sure, but their daily duties keep them physically fit enough to not need to. You can busy yourself here, for now. We should be decided on your role by noon."

Jungkook nodded, taking note that this place would be empty most of the time. Good, he thought. Min Ji left after opening the door and letting him inside. He scanned the room, trying to figure out where to start. He decided to stretch while he thought about it.

After a good five minutes of stretching out his stiff muscles, Jungkook had decided to do the treadmill to warm up. He stepped up onto it and turned it to a medium setting. And so his workout began.


Jungkook had lost count of the hours of his non-stop exercise session by the time he heard the door open. He turned around to see Min Ji standing in the doorway,

"Jungkook, we've decided on your role. Please come to my quarters and I will tell you about it."

He set down the weights he was using and followed the woman back down the curved hallway.

Once they got to Min Ji's room, Jungkook was surprised to see how luxurious it was compared to his nearly empty room. It was dimly lit by a chandelier with light bulbs made to resemble candles, the walls painted black, the carpet and bed sheets matched. It was accented with gold and occasionally some white. It was also much bigger. In the back of the room, there was a space with leather furniture.

She led him to the couch, signaling him to sit as she sat on the larger, throne-looking chair across from it.

The room surprised him, to say the least. She didn't seem arrogant enough to live in a space like this. She seemed normal, equal to everyone aside from her obvious aura of authority. Yet here he was, it what seemed to be a queen's dressing room.

After a moment she cleared her throat, claiming Jungkook's attention.

"Jungkook, we have, after much debating, come to a decision. I will be telling you what it was shortly, as I know you didn't listen to our meeting this time around, but first, changing into this."

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