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[a/n: Here is your double update. Hopefully this makes up for that time I was too busy to post. Love you guys so much :)) 💜]


For two hours Jungkook stood there. He stared blankly at the woods. His mind was blank. All sound was cut off from his ears. He couldn't sense movement in front of his eyes despite the fact that they were open.

He was just completely empty. This must be what it feels like to die, he thought, except so much worse.

The rest of them stayed silent also, though still just barely aware.

Namjoon felt tears burning down his cheeks. He tried to force himself to move and comfort the rest, but he was frozen. He tried to be strong, to be the confident leader he always was. He had to be, for their sake. But he was frozen with shock and grief.

A noise caught there attention. All except Jungkook. A group of people came out of the bushes, but not ones without free will. These people's faces were exposed, their eyes focused, moving in an orderly but normal fashion. They walked like normal human beings. They wore camo uniforms in different shades of green and brown.

"Hello? What are you doing here?" The female leading the patrol asked.

Namjoon angled his shoulders to face them.

"I- we..." His voice was cracked and broken.

After a moment, she tried to help him out.

"Are you their leader?" she asked, eyes flicking towards the rest and back again.


"What happened? Why are you all crying?" her voice was both sympathetic but serious as she tried to get the information.

"T-Taehyung... was... taken."

"Taehyung? Was he a part of your group?"


"Why are you here?"

"We were going to... j-join the military resistance."

She stood in silence for a moment, thinking.

"I see... And are you still coming?"

"I... think so?"

"That's good, we need more recruits," she murmured, almost to herself.

She looked at the rest of the boys. Their glassy, tired eyes, grief-stricken faces, shiny foreheads. Sympathy curved the corners of her mouth downward as her eyes flicked from one to another. She noticed the smaller boy, his back turned as he looked into the woods.

"Who's he?" she asked, pointing.

Namjoon turned his head reluctantly, not wanting to see the broken state Jungkook was in.

"T-that's... Jungkook. H-he had a... very special bond with T-Taehyung."

She nodded, eyes softening for a moment.

"Is he still... fit to be recruited?"

Namjoon's brow scrunched with uncertainty as he looked at the boy. He turned and approached the younger carefully.


He was completely unresponsive.


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