Chapter 16

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Halloween of 1989 was on a Tuesday.

That morning, Percy went and got his breakfast directly from the kitchens, running into Fred and George on the way.

"I figured you two would have something planned." He said once he was right behind them.

Both of them jumped nearly a foot in the air.

"Merlin, Perce!"

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!"

The shorter boy smirked.

"Like you wouldn't do the same."

They both stared at him for a moment before shrugging.


"What are you doing down here anyway?"

"Getting breakfast." Percy said with a knowing look at the both of them.

"But don't you want-" Fred started.

"To eat with everyone else?"

"Yeah, and I will. I'm just bringing the food up myself."

He then ducked past them into the kitchen.

The two boys at the door looked after him.

"You didn't-"

"No! I'd never!"

"Well I didn't."

As the pair argued, Percy gathered a bit of food in a napkin, thanked the house elves and headed back to Fred and George.

"You know, if you want to prank everyone at breakfast, I suggest you hurry up."

"How did you know-"

"We were planning-"

"A prank?!" They exclaimed.

"It's Halloween and I know you?"

The two redheads stared at him, looked to each other, and conceded with a shrug.


Percy nodded.

"Now, go spike the breakfast and we can head up."

They simply nodded and handed the potions to the elves with some instructions then the three boys made their way up to the Great hall. There were already a few pumpkins floating on the edges of the hall though Percy figured the decorations would be more elaborate by the time supper rolled around.

Sitting down at his house table, Percy casually transferred his food from the napkin to a plate while the twins bickered across from him.

"C'mon Georgie, of course it'll work."

"I don't know Freddie."

"We spent nearly a month perfecting that potion."

"It's still a fourth year potion."

"I'm telling you Georgie, it was the same colour and consistency-"

"As described in the book. I know, but they didn't quite go into detail did they?"

"Well, it'll work or it won't. Either way it's sure to be entertaining."

Percy snorted and shook his head exasperatedly as food appeared on the four house tables and the teacher's table.

The three boys started eating and more students trickled in. Maybe five minutes later, as their other friends dug in, Percy  started coughing quietly at his plate.

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