Chapter 1

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Three year old Perseus Potter was sitting at the coffee table next to his little brother's bouncy chair while their parents, Lily and James, spoke in hushed voices in the doorway.

Perseus looked over at Harry. The two of them looked so similar. Both had jet black hair and green eyes though Perseus had eyes that were green like the sea whereas Harry's eyes were the exact same emerald as the eyes of their mother. Harry's hair was always sticking out in every possible direction like James' while Perseus looked like he had just been walking on the beach.

Harry grinned as his brother, showing off his four little teeth, causing the three year old to grin in return.

"Mommy look!" Perseus said as he caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure moving outside the window behind Harry.

Lily ran to the window, gasped in horror, and rushed to grab Harry from the little seat.

"Lily, take the kids and run, I'll try to hold him off for as long as I can."

Lily grabbed her older son's arm, dragging him partially up the stairs before she stopped and turned to face him.

"Here, take your brother up to Mommy and Daddy's room and hide under the bed. Do not move unless we come and get you, do you understand my little warrior? You must always protect him."

Perseus felt his eyes starting to water but nodded, taking his little brother into his arms and running up the rest of the stairs. The last glimpse he caught of his mother was as she turned away from them, her red hair loose down her back as she pulled out her wand.

Perseus quickly grabbed a blanket to put under Harry before sliding under the bed. He trembled as he heard things breaking downstairs and flinched when he heard his mother scream.

Suddenly, everything was silent. Perseus glanced at Harry who appeared to be falling asleep. He was about to peek his head out when he heard a crash down the hall.

He started hyperventilating. There had to be a better hiding place for Harry. Perseus suddenly spotted an irregularity in the hard wood. He felt around and pressed down on a hidden button just as another crash sounded a little closer to the room.

A tiny compartment opened up, just large enough for Harry. Quickly depositing his brother in the hidey hole as something crashed right outside the door.

Perseus closed it and scrambled under the bed once more just in time for the door to be ripped off it's hinges with enough force to send it flying into the opposite wall. Perseus had to place one of his little hands over his mouth to try and stifle a small sob that escaped his lips.

He tried to breathe as quietly as possible as he heard footsteps make their way around the room. He felt like his heart was pounding too loudly. Things were quiet for a moment so he was going to sigh in relief when the bed was flipped over.

Standing over him was a man who would've been handsome if it weren't for the cool, condescending sneer that twisted his features.

"Where is your brother boy?"

His voice was high, clear, and cruel and most would've trembled. Perseus considered trembling but he remembered what his mother had said, you must always protect him.

So, the little three year old just sat up, and glared at the man.

He shook his head at the little one's foolishness before raising his wand.

"Where is your brother?"

Perseus said nothing.


Perseus screamed.

Over and over, the man used the curse on the little boy but surprisingly, he never broke. It was a baby's cry that gave little Harry away.

Perseus was lying helplessly on his back next to the hidden compartment as the man opened it. He twitched involuntarily every few seconds and kept his eyes on his brother until the man aimed his wand at Harry.

"I, Lord Voldemort, will be unstoppable. AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

At the last moment, Perseus used the last of his strength to flip himself over to cover Harry.

There was a flash of green light and Perseus lost consciousness.

Two hours later, a giant man found the two boys in the wreckage of the house. Perseus was unconscious but still breathing and Harry was crying. The man, Rubeus Hagrid, lifted the two and took them out of the house. At the gate he meet another man who had shoulder length black hair and a devastated expression on his youthful face.

He took one look at the boys in Hagrid's arms and offered his flying motorbike before disappearing into the night.

When the three arrived at number four privet drive, professor Albus Dumbledore and professor Minerva McGonagall were already there and Perseus was waking up.

"Ah, Hagrid. I trust that all went well."

"Yes Headmaster, little Harry 'ere fell 'sleep jus' as we were flyin' o'er Bristol, an' young Perseus star'ed stirrin' as we landed 'ere." Hagrid replied.

Perseus shifted slightly before stiffening with pain. Minerva had Hagrid lay Perseus on the grass for her to scan for injuries. What she found was revolting.

"Albus, you-know-who used the cruciatus curse on the poor boy. He is only three years old!"

Dumbledore's expression was grave as he knelt by the boy. He cast a spell that would hopefully relieve some of the pain but the damage that was possibly done to his mental state couldn't be undone. Dumbledore finally turned the boy over to see his back.

Under his shirt was a large scar across his back in the shape of a trident. Dumbledore sighed.

"The boy has been marked as Voldemort's equal. It should be kept secret from him though lest the fame gets to his head. In fact, neither shall know of our world. Just as our world will believe the chosen one to be Harry." Dumbledore decided.

"Are you sure this is wise Albus?"

"It is the only way."

Perseus tried to open his eyes as he heard voices around him but was too exhausted.

"Perseus, can you hear me?" He nodded. "Good, you must look after your brother. He is the one who will defeat Voldemort in the end. Always protect him."

He gave the tiniest nod before letting himself drift once again into unconsciousness.

*Time Skip*

Petunia Dursley opened the door of number four privet to put out the milk jars only to find two little boys lying on the front step.

The younger one, only about a year old opened it's emerald green eyes to stare at her. She gasped in shock.

She quickly brought them in as best she could while calling for her husband.

At the end of the street, the tabby cat spun, disappearing with a crack.

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