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Alright, I've made a decision. I am going to leave it up to you guys to suggest who Percy's significant other should be in "Always Protect". It can be anyone from PJO and HoO (or a different fandom if you really want it). The only ones I wont accept is Percy with: Rachel, Leo, Frank, Nico, Will, Reyna, Jason, Octavian. I'll admit that while I do tend to prefer the canon ships, I've stumbled across a few PercyxLuke and don't completely oppose it. Anyways, I won't guaranty that I'll go with what you suggest but I will consider it. If I don't use it in the story, I might make a chapter in "Mortals Meet Demigods" with that ship. 

I need suggestions by March 10th.

Requests are closed and have been since March 2018.

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