Chapter 6

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Percy was thankful to be back out in the sunlight, breathing fresh air. He couldn't explain why but he was incredibly uncomfortable when underground.

As the trio left the large marble building, Minerva lead the two boys to a small dingy shop that had a wand laying on velvet cushion in the front window. Percy knew he wouldn't be able to read the shop sign so he didn't even bother looking at it.

As they approached the shop, a girl around Percy's age exited with a woman who was looking at a list like the one Percy got with his acceptance letter, a long thin box clutched tightly in her hands. She had black hair that was put in little braids and tied up in a ponytail. Her dark brown eyes met Percy's sea green ones briefly before Percy averted his gaze submissively and she continued on her way.

It was one thing that always started a fire in his chest. If it were socially acceptable for him to stand up to others and speak his mind, he would have done it a long time ago but one rule that the Dursleys had always drilled into his head was to shut up and respect his "betters".

Minerva, seeing his actions, looked down at the boy.

"You know Percy, you should never be afraid to speak your mind."

"I'm not afraid!" he exclaimed, his head snapping up.

As Minerva met his gaze she could see the burning rage that he bottled up inside and watched as he forced it down before averting his gaze once more.

"Ma'am." he added, as an afterthought.

"You have the right to express your opinion and you shouldn't always respect someone because they're older than you or in a position of authority. People need to earn your respect."

Percy merely nodded and entered the wand shop. Minerva smiled to herself for while he hadn't said so, she believed that she had gotten the message through to him. Harry followed his brother, slightly quivering with excitement.

The more time they spent with the woman, the more Harry trusted her. Percy had always been reserved. In private, he was a dork but as soon as they would stepped out of Harry's room, a shield would go up, a mask to hide all his vulnerabilities. Harry missed his fun loving older brother and hoped that Percy would eventually loosen up and come out of his shell now that they were away from the Dursleys.

Inside the shop were towering shelves long skinny boxes dust floated in the air, clearly visible thanks to the small rays of sunlight that managed to filter through the grimy window. The shelves extended so far back into the shop that Percy could see only darkness. Evidently it was bigger on the inside than it appeared on the outside.

Suddenly, a gaunt man appeared from the back of the store making Percy jump. He had frizzy white had that stood up around his head making him look like a mad scientist. His washed-out blue eyes bored into Percy's sea green eyes.

"Mr. Potter, I was wondering when I'd be seeing you." he said cryptically.

Percy eyed him warily.

"It's good to see you again Mr. Ollivander." Minerva said, drawing the old man's attention away from the defensive boy which he was thankful for.

"Ah! Minerva, 9 1/2 inches long, made of fir and dragon heartstring if I remember correctly. Well suited for transfiguration."

The transfiguration professor smiled gently.

"Now, Mr. Potter let us find your wand. Now remember, the wand always chooses the wizard."

The man proceeded to jab his wand at a tape measure which started measuring Percy while Mr. Ollivander started shuffling among the shelves, pulling out boxes here and there. Dropping about eight boxes on the front counter, he flicked his wand absentmindedly and the measuring tape fell to the floor.

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