Chapter 9

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Percy just stared at the hat as it finished its song. I wonder how much thought was put into that, he wondered. Can hats even think? Oh well.

Scattered applause rang throughout the hall but died down quickly as the students and staff were eager to hear the placements of the new children. Percy looked over his shoulder as Professor McGonagall unrolled a scroll of parchment and started reading off names. Scanning the four house tables until his eyes locked on Luke under banners of green and silver before tearing his gaze away, finding two redheads sitting at the table beneath the red and gold banners. He figured those must be Fred and George's brothers that they were talking about on the train.

His attention snapped back to his new... guardian? as she called for "Chase Annabeth".

The blonde girl stepped forward confidently. Honestly, she held herself in a way that kind of intimidated Percy. Most of his past experiences with people who appeared so sure of themselves weren't exactly the best. She sat on the stool with her back straight, staring forward with a determined gaze before the hat fell over her eyes.

There was a moment where the hall was silent other than the faint buzz of the little whispered conversations here and there at the house tables.


Annabeth smiled and went to the "smart table" while the sorting continued.

Looking back at the Slytherin table Percy saw Luke give the blonde girl a thumbs up and a smile.

Taking a shaky breath, the oldest Potter tried to keep his hands still as it got closer and closer to his turn. As his name was called the entire hall went silent. His footsteps echoed on the cold stone floor as he made his way up to the stool. It seemed as though everyone was holding their breath.

He sat cautiously on the old stool and held his own breath as the hat was lowered to cover his eyes.

Ah, quite the interesting character, a voice echoed within his head and his entire body tensed up as a result.

Don't worry, I am the sorting hat and am unable to cause you any pain. I can see that you have already been through so much pain in your young life. You are very clever, especially with your methods of protecting your brother. Definitely worthy of Ravenclaw. You are also sly and ambitious, you want to prove that you aren't who your relatives say you are though that is not the most important thing in your opinion. Still, you would be able to fit in well in Slytherin.

Then there is your bravery. Taking punishments that would've been bestowed upon your brother otherwise. Even standing up to your blood relatives in the smallest of ways. Quite the Gryffindor if you ask me. But I believe that your strongest trait above all, is loyalty. Your loyalty to your brother. To your parents. To yourself. I can see that once someone gains your trust and friendship, you would do anything for them.

The best place for you would be... "HUFFLEPUFF!!!"

The table under the yellow and black banners erupted in thunderous applause as he hopped off the stool, handed the hat to Minerva with a small smile, and walked over to sit with his housemates. He glanced over at the Slytherin table and let out a breath when he saw Luke smiling his way.

Luke was the first friend he'd made and with all the twins' chatter about prejudice between the four houses he'd been worried about the older boy's reaction.

Percy allowed a small smile to slide onto his face as he sat next to one of his fellow first years, Katie Gardner.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, her grass green eyes wide with concern.

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