Chapter Sixty - Nine...

Start from the beginning

The Show..

It's time for Demi to go on stage, I'm nervous for her but I know she has this "Good Luck baby love" I smile as I peck her lips. She goes up the stage lift. I hear a loud amount of screams for her as she goes out to the beat of You Don't Do It For Me Anymore. She's sang almost all of her set she has Sober and Sorry Not Sorry left. She sits at the piano "I wrote this song when I was falling off the wagon, I was scared I'd never come back. The moment I released this song, I thought things would get better and I'd get better but behind the doors and behind my doors, I got worse, I let myself become someone that I'm not, i became my dad" I hear her say which breaks my heart, she's not at all her father "I'd never want you guys to look up to someone like who I was. I love you more than life, thank you for praying and thank you for saving my life, this is the final time I'll ever sing Sober, just know I got help" She says into the microphone, she wipes her tears as everyone screams for her, I smile and she presses the keys on the piano. She deserves everything.

Once Demi is off stage, I barely get time to see her before I'm rushed on stage... I'm about to introduce another new song which explains my time while Demi was in hospital. I get through the last parts of my set and I start speaking before singing Sex With Me. "I feel I should thank each and everyone of you tonight" I say into the microphone, I sip my water "I feel like I should thank you for not only saving my girlfriend but saving me, because without her I'm not that much" I state, I chuckle to lighten the mood "I want to thank you all for supporting my music, I try not to focus too much on negative comments because they are just people trying to tear me down. I try and remain calm and positive but sometimes being so strong isn't good, it's okay to not be okay one day. I've learnt that since dating Demi, I know I always talk about her in my speeches but she just isn't ever off my mind" I smile, I look side stage and see Demi smiling "I want you all to know, I adore and appreciate you all. Please never give up your dreams and aspirations because you will get there, I promise. Here's my brand new single available September 28th, this is Sex With Me" I state, sipping my water before taking my place on stage.

'And sex with me, so amazing
All this all work, no vacation
Stay up off my Instagram with your temptation'

I smile as I finish the song on my knees "Thank you all for sharing this night with me, for spending your time with me. I know touring isn't really on my agenda right now, but when the opportunity to perform comes, i snatch it because I owe you guys everything. I'm so cliche when it comes to my fans but I really do appreciate you all" I say "I read a letter earlier and the person said they were only alive because they wanted to see me perform tonight. I dont know where in the audience you are but thank you for not ending your live. Thank you for coming here. Please dm me, I want to help you" I state "I hope you guys have a great evening and thank you for coming tonight" I say smiling before waving and walking off stage. Kehlani, Lauren and Sirah hug me before I see Demi and she smiles at me before we go to my dressing room. I quickly close the door and Demi pushes me against it "Woahhh" I say, she connects our lips and I smile into it. She bites down on my lip and I moan "You're so hot" She groans as she continues to make out with me "Sophia? Demi?" I hear someone say as they open the door "Mhm" I moan quietly. Demi opens the door and pokes her head around as I'm still kissing her neck "We won't be long, Soph is just changing" Demi says, I hear Kehlani laugh and Demi closes the door. She pulls me to her lips and I begin to suck on it. I hear a lock click before Demi pushes me on the couch "Are you sure you wanna do this here?" I ask, she nods and asks me, I nod and she lays between my legs and starts to kiss my neck...

"Demi..." I moan quietly as she finishes me off "God,'i love you" She says. I pull her up to me and lay in the crook of her neck "I really don't know what I would've done if you hadn't of woken up" I say as I leave soft kisses on her neck "I did though and now I get to spend everyday loving you, and making up for how I nearly left you" Demi says. I look at her and kiss her lips, I deepen it until we hear another knock "We better change" I groan, she nods and I quickly shower in the dressing room before putting my clothes on and getting my bag "What took you guys so long?" Lani and Lauren ask "I showered" I state, I then see them look down at my neck, I pull my collar up knowing Demi left a hickey. Demi entwines our hands as we walk out to the car "Hii Guys" I say as I see some fans stood, Demi goes to her fans as I smile and take pictures with mine "Hi, I know you're busy but do you have a minute?" I hear a girl say, i nod "Of course" I say. I stand in front of her and she clears her throat "I haven't been a fan for as long as everyone else but I do know you and Demi saved me. My mom died and then my sister died three days later. I was already in a bad place and that topped it off. I never thought I'd find peace knowing my mom wasn't here anymore. Someone told me to listen to yours and Demi's collabs that day. You gave me a new purpose and a second chance. I won't ever be able to thank you but I promise I will forever try" She says, I really take in every word she says "Thank you so much for sharing this with me. You're so strong, please don't hurt yourself or try and do that again. I am here for you and I will forever be here. Do you have Instagram and Twitter?" I ask, she thanks me and gives me her usernames in which I follow her on "Thank you so much, Sophia. I love you" She says, I smile and Demi shouts me, I look over but look back at the girl before kissing her hands "Please stop harming yourself, things do get better. I love you more" I say as I hug her. I wipe her tears before we take a photo. I quickly go down the line and take pictures before going to the car "I never knew they loved us that much, D" I say resting on the window "Not as much as i love you baby" She whispers and pecks my cheek...

Hey Guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm working on the next one but things have been hectic.

Let me know what you think/what you want to see next :)

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- Dont forget to comment any ideas/suggestions.

All my love, M x

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