Chapter 14: Unknown

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We walk back to the boys at the edge of their seats. But face relaxes them. I looked happy because of Namjoon's stupidity and Yoongi.

"Is he ok?" Taehyung asks

"Yes, he will be fine." I answer.

I breeze of relief blew over everyone. "Yeah and y/n and Yoongi made out." Namjoon said bluntly

I shoot his a death glare.

"Jesus Joon let the kids be." Jin says rolling his eyes.

I gave him a thank you look, although he did call us kids. I also though he would be the first to go off on me but nope he was chill. Oh well.

We all walked to his room but me and Namjoon stayed behind at the door because we had already seen him. The guys were always kind of scared of Yoongi but when he was hurt it warmed my heart to know all of them would come to him and help. We stayed for about an hour longer and then decided he needed to rest. He will get out in two days.

They had took out all the pills in his system and he got more blood because of the blood type he was they could. Thankfully nothing bad happened. They still wanted to keep him for a couple days to make sure his blood flows, heart beats, and he breaths properly.

Everyone exits the room but I stop to a faint call of my name. I turn back into his room seeing him motioning me to him. I walk over to him. "Yes?" I ask. "Would you mind staying a little longer?" He asked. "You need to sleep." I answer. "Yes I will but just for a little longer. Please." He begs. He doesn't do aggyo but it's enough for me to give in. "Ok. A little bit longer." I think as we have one more day of school than a three day weekend.

I sit in a chair next to him. "So when did you first like me?" I ask. I had wondering for a while.

"I don't know. At first you were just a girl. One of Jungkook friends. There had been something but I didn't know what it was. But then, the carnival day kind of explained everything. You scared, when you held my arm. I, felt different. I have only ever liked one other girl but she ruined everything..I never thought I would feel anything again. But you." He paused for a moment.

"I talked to Jungkook and he helped me understand. I really liked you." He smiles at me. "How about you? How long have you liked me?"

"Well honestly at first I thought you didn't like me. But then I saw you next door. Talking to you, I just got feelings. You weren't like people say. You are better." I say

"Do they say bad things?" He ask concered.

"No! It's all good, but your, just, better. You know?" I say not actually knowing yet knowing what I meant

"Yeah in a strange way I know who you feel." He says.

I look into his eyes and my stomach yearns for him. I want him close and not in this hospital. He reaches for my hand. His warm skin presses against mine. This is like the 5th time we have held hands yet I still get this feeling. I look back to his eyes seeing starring at me then to my lips. When his eyes trailed my heart sped up.

His lips were full and had a beautiful hint of pink. Today they looked a bit flushed but thinking about what just happened it makes since. He lick his lips and that made me go back up to his eyes. "Uh, I should get going." I say breaking the silence. "Uh yeah." Yoongi answer seeming a bit disappointing. "Get some sleep though. Ok." I say to him. "Yes ma'am." He answers jokingly.

I smile and stand up. He smiles at me and lets me go. I give him a quick peck on the forehead. He smiles his gummy smile. I love his smile. He hates it but it's so cute. I wave bye to him and walk out the door.

All the guys had went home except for Ina and Jin who were making out probably waiting for me. I clear my throat and they stop and look at me. I didn't want to interrupt but it felt even weirder just standing there starring at them. "Oh y/n, uh sorry." Ina says. Jin rubs the back of his neck. I smile it off and get in the car. Ina sits in the front as he drives me home then Ina.

I get home and flop on my bed. It was 8 but I was exhausted. I cleaned up and ate dinner. It was now around 9. I went back to my room and my phone rings.

Unknown: You don't deserve Yoongi. You look like shit

Me: Hae is that you?

Unknown: Who the hell is Hae. That's a stupid name. Almost as stupid as yours

Me: Ok thanks for your input

Unknown: Oh honey do you think this a joke?

Me: A little

Unknown: Well listen here bitch. Yoongi is mine and always will be

Me: I didn't see you here today.

Unknown: Yeah well! I was there but fucking Jin pushed me away!

I thought to myself. what?

Me: Ok. Who they hell are you?

Unknown: I'm not going to tell you. But I will tell you one thing.

Unknown: Stay Away From Yoongi!

Me: And if I don't?

Unknown: Image (Of you in your bedroom)

Unknown: This is you right? It won't be for long

Me: WTF! How?

Unknown: I have my ways. Scared

Me: I don't know. You'll have to find out.

Unknown: Bitch

Me: Thanks

I turned off my phone actually terrified. I decided to text Jungkook. I would text Yoongi but I don't wanna worry him. It wasn't Hae. She wouldn't have said her name was stupid. But that's the only person I could think of.

Me: Hey. Jungkook? I need you help

Jungkook: What's up?

Me: There is this person that just messaged me telling me to stay away from Yoongi and they sent me a picture in my bedroom.

Me: I'm kind of freaking out

Jungkook: Ok calm down.

Me: It's kind of hard but I'll try

Jungkook: Is it a girl with dark, slim, and has green eyes

Me: Guessing it's a female since they said he was theirs, and idk we where texting not in person. Why?

Jungkook: Nothing

Me: Ok? What am I supposed to do?

Jungkook: You could stay with me. If you wanted

Me: Would that be safe for you? Plus what if my parents get home

Jungkook: I will be fine but I don't know about your parents

Me: How about I just brush it off but if it gets worse I promise to come to you

Jungkook: Yes. That sounds great. Don't hesitate to message me ok

Me: Ok :)

Me: Goodnight

Jungkook: Goodnight

I placed my phone to charge and drift off into the dreamland.

Ok so I half like this chapter and I half hate it. Tell me what you think.

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