Chapter 5: Bleeding

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Warning: This chapter can be sensitive to read to some people. Read at your own risk

Ina was passed out on my floor and I was wide awake in my bed. It's unfair I want to sleep. It's got to be around 12. There is this annoying noise, like a ball bouncing coming from outside. I quietly go to my window and peak out. I scan around until I meet a ball. It's being bounced, in my neighbors backyard...

Who's bouncing it you might ask? None other than Min Yoongi himself. He looked as if he was burning off steam. My room was dark and the only way I could see him was the light of the moon and the street lights. Every now and then I thought he would glance up here but he would always go back to his game go he probably was just looking around.

I watched him play for the longest time. It felt weird thinking about it but every time I told myself to go to bed or stop watching him. I couldn't. His wet sweaty hair fell in his face. He brushed it back and I felt my stomach turn. His face was sweaty as well and he wiped it off with his shirt lifting it every so slightly but enough to were I could see my life flash before my eyes. God he was in shape. He had missed some sweat and he glazed his fingers to his lips taking it off. And he continued to play.

Just as he threw the ball I felt a pain in my lip. This whole time thinking about him I had been biting my lip. Don't ask please. I took my fingers and placed it where it hurt. I felt a liquid. Damn Min Yoongi. You made me bite my lip so hard I started bleeding. Wait. What. The. Actual. Hell. MIN YOONGI MADE ME BITE MY LIP SO HARD IT BLEED! I blush in embarrassment even though no one can see me or hear my thought. Thank the lord no one could hear my thoughts.

I got up quietly and went to the bathroom to wash off my lip and actually went to the bathroom. When I finally made back to my room Yoongi wasn't outside anymore. I'm a little disappointed and honestly I don't want to but I think....I like him.

Just as those thoughts came into my mind the reminder of why I can't also came. One people would push him around like they do me and...

~Flashback 4 years ago~

"Y/n! Hurry up!" V yells at me from far ahead of me.

"No you slow down!" I yell back at him.

V makes me feel ways I thought were only possible in movies or books. He makes me forget about those low lives at school or my parents that are never home. I, I think I, Love him.

But I had to curse him. He had to choose me. He never believed all the bad things happened. He was so happy spirited nothing could ruin his day. I thought he was right until,

"V SLOW DO-" I try to catch him. He was doing the right thing but a car. Texting.


My heart beat once more and stopped. I had never ran faster in my life.

Red everywhere. My heart, gone. Him, gone...

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years,

They all pilled up. Guilt. If I would have hurried up...

Self hate. Hatred. Loving no more. Blame.

When something happens everyone has to blame or point fingers at someone and I was an open target.

No matter how much or how hard I love someone they leave.

My parents once loved me but now they are always gone

My best friend in elementary betrayed me

V is gone because of me

Catrina was the only one that ever made me doubt my cursed life.

~ End of Flashback~

My eyes teared up all of this, it's too much. I get up once more slipping on a jacket with shoes. I step outside to feel a cold breeze on my face. I won't be gone for long. Just enough to clear my head. Tears are still in my eyes and I left them fall as I close the door. I start walking to near by park. I needed to get away. From my mind, from Yoongi, in all honestly I needed V. He had been the first person to make me feel hope.

I went and sat at a bench at the park. 2 am my phone read. The water from my eyes were painful. I was still going to be bullied. V isn't coming back. Yoongi doesn't like me.

All three come so fast my mind can't keep up, but my tears can. I play with my hands hoping god would send me some sign of what to do. I have no idea what to do. Is life worth living? I just need a sign.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and reality came. It's 2 am and there are creepers out. God has sent me my sign. Life wasn't worth living and I was going to be kidnapped or worse now.

I snap to look at the face but, it wasn't the sign I thought it was. What sign was god sending me now? The face of, Min Yoongi?

Sorry this one is a little deep

Also yes V and Taehyung are two different people in my story

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